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Shout Box Help Me No one will

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Ok first off, I was not sure what Forum I should post this in, so if it is in the wrong forum please move it. Thanks!Ok not, I have been trying and trying to find or get a shout box. Now I saw some instrustions on here, but I have one problem. I am using a free Forum, and do not have access to the folders. Now I use RAPID BOARDS, I find it the best free Forum host so I use it. My Forum is: http://www.nighthawksclan.rapidboard.com/ - I will take ANY help at all, I have been trying ever since I made the Forum to get one, but no luck. I have also posted on there Support Forums but no one wants to answer me, so I was hoping someone could help me here :P I have also tried other Forums but they all say that the Shout Box they have is not supported by RB. I would really like some help for no one will give it. Please help me :P Thanks!

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If rapid board doe's not let you customize your forum then you will have to move on to using one that supports customization and lets you add a shout box. I am not familiar with whats out there so hopefully someone else can suggest a free forum for you.

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If rapid board doe's not let you customize your forum then you will have to move on to using one that supports customization and lets you add a shout box. I am not familiar with whats out there so hopefully someone else can suggest a free forum for you.

RB let's me customize everything but the folders. I can change the HTML, CSS, Macro's, just about everything but the Folders. That is why I like it, I can not find any Forum that lets me do that. Infact I can not find one that let's me access the folders. I would host my own Forum but I can not afford it right now, so I am using RB.

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Thats your problem you can customize html and css but shout box generally requires server side scripting (I could be wrong) so you need access to files and folders. Get hosted here at trap 17 and setup a properly forum where you have more control. You say you can change HTML CSS and Macros. Can you add file?

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Ok first off, I was not sure what Forum I should post this in, so if it is in the wrong forum please move it. Thanks!
Ok not, I have been trying and trying to find or get a shout box. Now I saw some instrustions on here, but I have one problem. I am using a free Forum, and do not have access to the folders. Now I use RAPID BOARDS, I find it the best free Forum host so I use it. My Forum is: http://www.nighthawksclan.rapidboard.com/ - I will take ANY help at all, I have been trying ever since I made the Forum to get one, but no luck. I have also posted on there Support Forums but no one wants to answer me, so I was hoping someone could help me here :P I have also tried other Forums but they all say that the Shout Box they have is not supported by RB. I would really like some help for no one will give it. Please help me :P Thanks!

Switchview, not really knowing much of rapidboards, really dont know. but may I suggest AEF They already have a shoutout box that comes with the board and many templets. Most of all it has a very easy interface. Only problem I see you having is convert over. but with you on a free hosting board I am not sure if you could get to your database or not which I kind of dought anyways.
Good Luck

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