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Why Does Ip Banning Occur At Trap 17?

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I was wondering why Trap 17 sometimes bans IP addresses of their own site owners.I have read about this a few times here on the forum, and I believe I have become a victim of this a few times lately.I assume that was the case when, on a few occasions, everyone but me could see my sites.The thing is, I have not exceeded my bandwidth, not posted unsuitable or forbidden content, I do not have a single warning.So, could someone explain to me why this is sometimes done?The only thing I know is that it is highly annoying when that happens.I wish I knew why.

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Shree said that it happens when you log in too many times sequentially using FTP on one account, when you give invalid usernames/passwords too many times, etc.The reason for it is *security*, :P.Keeps people from being able to brute force your password or anything.

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I see.While I do understand about people using brute force and that, what option do you have but to try logging in quite a few times in a row when your cpanel will not let you in?Also, when, like has happened to me a few times, when you enter your login details and they will not let you in, even though you know 100 % sure you have used the right username and password combination.Also, I would understand if they ban an IP that is unknown to the system, eg. when you try to log in from a PC at work and you are unsuccessful a few times, or, indeed in case of a real hacker trying to get access to your space.However, I always log in from my home PC, and whiule I do not have a static IP address, sometimes the last figures change, and sometimes I do get back on by resetting my modem, sometimes I don't.

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I understand where they are coming from and I'm quite happy about it really.You're bringing up the IP issues, and how they should be able to keep your IP at home on a whitelist. But....IP's can be faked. Anyone could fake your IP and their systems would show the same IP for you and the other person.Same with mac addresses. Contrary to how "safe" people feel by knowing that there are mac address/IP safeguards, they're both easy to bypass.So although it is an inconvience, it makes me feel safer knowing that they put in these things, :P.For the record, I've only had issues with being locked out twice in a year. That's not bad at all.

Edited by rpgsearcherz (see edit history)

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Sure, I see what you are saying, and you are right too.However, ever since going on that Logic plan, I have had nothing but trouble with my sites, my email, my cpanel, my FTP, you name it.Hope it is a coincidence (and a very temporary one too).

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I'm also on the logic plan, and I have had no issues with it at all yet. My only lockouts were before the new myCENT system. Ever since it I've been perfect, :P.I don't use the email from the site though...Nor from Google Domains. At the moment I have no use for "commercial" email(even though it's free) so I just use my regular email address.

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Well, it looks like you are one of the lucky ones then.Nut, as I said, my trouble have not stopped yet since I have been on Logic.I have honestly had real rubbish service so far.

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I was wondering why Trap 17 sometimes bans IP addresses of their own site owners.I have read about this a few times here on the forum, and I believe I have become a victim of this a few times lately.

I assume that was the case when, on a few occasions, everyone but me could see my sites.
The thing is, I have not exceeded my bandwidth, not posted unsuitable or forbidden content, I do not have a single warning.

So, could someone explain to me why this is sometimes done?
The only thing I know is that it is highly annoying when that happens.
I wish I knew why.

As mention in the above posts to many incorrect logins and your IP will be banned, but sometimes though by accident you could get your IP ban for some strange reason. However, the quickest way to get your IP unbanned is to send a support ticket to get it resolved and thats about it.

Shree said that it happens when you log in too many times sequentially using FTP on one account, when you give invalid usernames/passwords too many times, etc.
The reason for it is *security*, :P.

Keeps people from being able to brute force your password or anything.

Pretty much.

I see.While I do understand about people using brute force and that, what option do you have but to try logging in quite a few times in a row when your cpanel will not let you in?
Also, when, like has happened to me a few times, when you enter your login details and they will not let you in, even though you know 100 % sure you have used the right username and password combination.
Also, I would understand if they ban an IP that is unknown to the system, eg. when you try to log in from a PC at work and you are unsuccessful a few times, or, indeed in case of a real hacker trying to get access to your space.
However, I always log in from my home PC, and whiule I do not have a static IP address, sometimes the last figures change, and sometimes I do get back on by resetting my modem, sometimes I don't.

If you having problems logging into your cpanel odds are your password is being inputted incorrectly and maybe the password could have been changed as well. Even if you know the password is correct and you keep getting the failed login's it will cause your IP to get banned and so if you password fails the first two times stop and get your password changed before continuing. Odds are though have to send in a support ticket to get it change or you can change it on the billing site now I believe.

I understand where they are coming from and I'm quite happy about it really.
You're bringing up the IP issues, and how they should be able to keep your IP at home on a whitelist. But....IP's can be faked. Anyone could fake your IP and their systems would show the same IP for you and the other person.

Same with mac addresses. Contrary to how "safe" people feel by knowing that there are mac address/IP safeguards, they're both easy to bypass.

So although it is an inconvience, it makes me feel safer knowing that they put in these things, :P.

For the record, I've only had issues with being locked out twice in a year. That's not bad at all.

No IP cannot be faked, they can be spoof or taken over, but never faked even if its a dynamic IP it still can't be fake unless you hack the ISP and take control of the IP number set up. Besides keeping a log of peoples IP number is bad stuff since that basically gives someone who hacks into the computer easy access to your computers and doing some of their own havoc on your systems if they get in.

Sure, I see what you are saying, and you are right too.
However, ever since going on that Logic plan, I have had nothing but trouble with my sites, my email, my cpanel, my FTP, you name it.
Hope it is a coincidence (and a very temporary one too).

Well the quickiest solutions I can think of because this has happen to me several times is first to delete your cookies, browser cache's and history folders, then flush your DNS through command prompt and wait about 4-5 hours and try again. By doing this your resetting your computers IP access and that should be able to get back in. However, just make sure during that 4-5 hour waiting period you don't visit your site or any other Xisto site or you restart the process all over again.

Well, it looks like you are one of the lucky ones then.Nut, as I said, my trouble have not stopped yet since I have been on Logic.
I have honestly had real rubbish service so far.

If your having IP issues with your hosting account I would suggest dropping a support ticket to them and see if they can see if there is any problems on there end that could be causing these issues. Sad to say though it is usuall the ISP or the users computer itself that is the root and or cause of the problems.

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As mention in the above posts to many incorrect logins and your IP will be banned, but sometimes though by accident you could get your IP ban for some strange reason. However, the quickest way to get your IP unbanned is to send a support ticket to get it resolved and thats about it.

Pretty much.

If you having problems logging into your cpanel odds are your password is being inputted incorrectly and maybe the password could have been changed as well. Even if you know the password is correct and you keep getting the failed login's it will cause your IP to get banned and so if you password fails the first two times stop and get your password changed before continuing. Odds are though have to send in a support ticket to get it change or you can change it on the billing site now I believe.

No IP cannot be faked, they can be spoof or taken over, but never faked even if its a dynamic IP it still can't be fake unless you hack the ISP and take control of the IP number set up. Besides keeping a log of peoples IP number is bad stuff since that basically gives someone who hacks into the computer easy access to your computers and doing some of their own havoc on your systems if they get in.

Well the quickiest solutions I can think of because this has happen to me several times is first to delete your cookies, browser cache's and history folders, then flush your DNS through command prompt and wait about 4-5 hours and try again. By doing this your resetting your computers IP access and that should be able to get back in. However, just make sure during that 4-5 hour waiting period you don't visit your site or any other Xisto site or you restart the process all over again.

If your having IP issues with your hosting account I would suggest dropping a support ticket to them and see if they can see if there is any problems on there end that could be causing these issues. Sad to say though it is usuall the ISP or the users computer itself that is the root and or cause of the problems.

Spoofing an IP is considered as faking it, being that your IP showing up isn't your true one.

Proxying, spoofing, ghosting, they're all ways to show an IP that isn't really yours, therefore they are all "faking."

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However, the quickest way to get your IP unbanned is to send a support ticket to get it resolved and thats about it.

The quickest way? Is Xisto - Support 24/7? I believe they are in a totally different timezone (India I believe).It has not been too bad the last few days (a good few hours wait), but sometimes I waited for an answer for days.
Also, their LIVE Support does not seem to work anymore.
Although it says "Online", it will do a number of attempts and then display a form to fill in.

or you can change it on the billing site now I believe.

Are you sure, I don't think you can, only your login password to Xisto, I believe.

Well the quickiest solutions I can think of because this has happen to me several times is first to delete your cookies, browser cache's and history folders, then flush your DNS through command prompt and wait about 4-5 hours and try again. By doing this your resetting your computers IP access and that should be able to get back in. However, just make sure during that 4-5 hour waiting period you don't visit your site or any other Xisto site or you restart the process all over again.

Have tried that at times, only, how do you flush your DNS through the command prompt?
I usually reset my modem.
Could you explain the command prompt procedure, please?

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Well if you go to your order status and then click the package details button that lists all the details for your website, then you scroll down and you will see a change Password field and I believe that is where you can change your password in order to access your cpanel.


As for the DNS flush it is a simple command C:\>ipconfig /flushdns and that is it.

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Thank you for the explanations, Saint Michael.I am not 100% sure that spot is for resetting your cpanel password, I think it is to change your password to log into Xisto - Support.Anyway, I would rather not take any chances now, I have raised a ticket about this.I have no udea why, but Cpanel just keeps rejecting my login details, obviously I am frightened to try too often, because that might get my IP address banned again.It is bad enough I cannot get through to Cpanel or FTP to update my website.

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