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Simple Photoshop Tricks

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Hello all,


I have posted this tutorial in a couple of other forums and all the members said it helped them alot in understanding Photoshop better and how to use its tools.


One of the major and probably the most useful tools are the blending options. If you start a new document in photoshop, and lets just say 300px by 300px and press 'OK'. Now when you have your balnk document you most go to:

Layer -> New -> Layer From Background

to start off your new image. Once you have done that it best to make your background and photoshop has alot of preset style that you may find in a box that look like this one below.

Posted Image

Then click on styles. By default photoshop does not automaticaly import all of the styles like I have. So just stay in that box, and to the right of the tabs there is a small blue button. Click on it and a drop down box will appear. Scroll down and click on 'Load Styles' and it should take you right yo the directory on your computer were all of the extra styles are and just upload all of them.


So now that we have got that down, you just choose a bold color or a style for your background and put some text or something in. Next go to:

Layer -> Layer Style -> Blending Options

There you can make your image elements look really nice with design patterns or bevel and emboss. If you would like to see some examples I have made in the past just using these tools then look below.


Posted Image

A forum tag I made for my self that was my clan sig.


Posted Image

I made for my little software website.


If you really want ot go crazy you can also mess around with filters. I'm not to good with these but you may try them and they can do some pretty cool stuff. Just go to:

Filter -> (Whatever you want.) -> (The style you want.)

I find these very hard to use if you really dont know what you doing. Anyway I hope this helped and I will take comments if anyone wants to give me any. :P

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Yeah! Im not the greatest at PS but on other forums people seemed to like it so I shared it again here. :P

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I need to take screenshots of this awesome tut that I came up with and put it on my site. Basically, it involves a gaussian blur of about 4 or so on an image, and then edit>fade gaussian blur and use the blending mode "Lighten." Darken also gives an interesting effect. If you can learn how to combine filter effects with fading ( and Blending modes) It will help you out a lot in some images. I will post this within the next couple of weeks and here too once I take screenshots and everything.

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Ok, That would be useful. But I just learned really on how to use the filters. Otherwise before thenj I just left them alon because I didnt know what they did. But please do post that tut of yours. I would like to see it. :D

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