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Me & Lina went to watch the premiere of Valkyrie (operation valkyrie) today it is a really good movie, i give it an 8.5/10 here is my review:


The movie itself is great IF you have some sort of insight into Germany during the times of WW2/Hitler/Nazis/SS, if all you know about this time in history is the Holocaust & how jews were treated poorly, you will have a complicated time watching this movie, (and looking around the full theater room, i realized many people had no clue what was going on// were clueless about some of the highlights in history that revolved around Hitler)



Staunffenberg (Tom Cruise), a German Coronel, after being injured in battle returns home, & decides to finally follow his faith and do something for his home Germany, thus killing Adolf Hitler, executing the version of Operation Valkyrie he tricked Hitler into signing (the original operation was a plan which Adolf Hitler had planned himself, if he were to be assassinated ), releasing the jews from the concentration camps & bringing peace back to Germany, by negotiating with the allies.


i will not spoil the ending/the outcome of the story.. you will have to watch it :)



*I really enjoyed looking at the different settings, since everything looked so real, even the characteristics of hitler's ideal race, such as everyone having blue eyes (yes i did check every German person in the movie)//

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I enjoyed Valkyrie but i would probably give it something like a 6.5/10 just because the performances weren't very memorable to me. Also, a girl beside me was talking on the phone throughout the entire duration of the movie which could have factored in as well :/ but i don't know. A movie that was released around the same time as Valkyrie that i'd probably give a 10/10 to is Doubt. Now that's a film no one should miss :D Meryl Streep + Philip Seymour Hoffman... where could you go wrong?

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