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My Dreams Share yours too

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I was thinking about strange dreams just now, and I remembered one I think that had a while ago.


It starts off in our house. But its not really our house because its got two storie's and our house is only single story. I'm walking down the stairs to the kitchen which is exactly like our kitchen, but its somewhat different. I can't really explain how. It's morning and I'm walking through the door frame when the walls start shaking madly. And suddenly our microwave is flying across the room at me. I duck in time to avoid being hit but it smashes against the fridge above me and makes the fridge start rocking slowly to and fro. It begins rocking more frequently and then it becomes un-balanced and tips down apon me.

And then I woke up.


I believe dreams have deep messages. Another dream I had a while ago:


Im on our farm with my parents and my fathers relatives are with us. Were sitting a table celebrating somthing.. it might be Christmas. Anywho, Im sitting there and then my Grandpa passess me a plate of food except the food is meat (Im vegetarian) but it doesn't phase me, and I eat it.

The dream then jumps (as dreams do :)) and Im outside our house paddock with an ex-friend of mine, Kelly. She is there because her family have just bought my pony Gypsy. She's thrilled aobut getting a pony and she's laughing. I'm a little jealous, so I smirk to myself and go saddle up my (much bigger) horse Mac. And I start galloping past her and cantering in circles. Basically showing off. I was very satisfied with myself. :)

And then I woke up.


I think my second dream is about me growing up, but not wanting to. I'm trying to move on from my childhood but part of me just wants to be that little girl from the past and ride her pony. I say 'the past' because of the presence of my ex-friend.


What are your thoughts on dreams? Care to share any interesting ones?

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I tend to forget my dreams these past months for some reason I don't know and I that makes me happy because I don't remember when I have had a nightmare, phew


I have one scary ?dream to tell:

I was dreaming about a regular school day and my mom went to her regular job at the time and while she was walking towards me and I don't know how to explain how the roads were set-up but a car was going into the direction in which IRL they were going in the opposite and as she was coming to me the car suddenly drove a lot faster and hit my mum who fell dead on the city road. I for some reason was wearing flowers with me, and when I saw her they fell on the sidewalk. That was so unbelievably real that I woke up immediately, it was very hot and I almost peed my pants.

I was and still am very, very frightened by that place and I see it everyday, and when my mum goes out I am afraid of her death :):)

Dreams are simply your wishes and your fears, I don't see something more than that.

Edited by miladinoski (see edit history)

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