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Beginner's Martial Arts

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Yeah I need help in choosing some sort of martial arts that is easy on the body, as I have a thin ,and quite fragile honestly, frame and haven't really had any kind of training. Something that is good for a beginner. So any tips and suggestions will be appreciated.

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Well, the short answer is: ANY martial art will really do.Don't be afraid about any issues you might have with your physical structure, as they will only make you stronger.However, if you are looking for the soft approach, then Tai Chi might be something for you.Depending on what you want, some classes teach it just as a way of health improvement and teach you the moves and forms (which are always at a very slow pace) with regards to the effects they have on the body and mind, however, although it does not look like that, Tai Chi is also a fierce martial art, which is often described as 'A needle hidden in a ball of cotton wool'.If a martial art is what you want, then look for a Tai Chi class which also teaches the martial art aspect of Tai Chi.Quite often, classes that teach the Yang style do focus more on the mental and physical aspect of Tai Chi, but if you go for eg. Wudang tai Chi Chuan, you can be sure the fighting aspect will be taught as well. (Don't forget, there are a lot of different Tai Chi styles).It is up to you now to have a look around and see what classes are available, what sports, what styles etc. and maybe attend a few classes just to observe.I know, the main problem is often when trying to choose a martial art (or rather the main problemS ARE): 1. I sthere a school for that martial art in my neighbourhood? and 2. If there is, is it affordable, as some schools will charge you an arm and a leg for joining, while others charge reasonable fees.So, have a look around, and let me know how you get on.

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Yeah, I've been looking around for that tai chi thingers and found none, though I am sure there is a school here somewhere.....I have also been interested in Arnis.......Quite interesting but I guess you are right. I reckon I might as well try to go to the gym to improve my body built..........So, anything you might wanna suggest for a lightly build person like me? Scratch that, I'm scrawny....

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Fairly simple, do more resistance training and less cardio.Meaning: do more stuff in which you have to rely on physical strenhtg, eg. lifting weights, but not too much stuff that raises your heartbeat too much such as running etc.Also make sure you get enough calories inside yourself every day.

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To be frank, when you start learning any martial art the first thing to do is exercise. keep exercising! for at least 6 months. Initially when I was learning martial art, our instructor did the same. It was really annoying to go to a martial arts class and just do some exercise and get back. But soon we started realizing that martial art is not magic it is how you mold your body based on exercises

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To be frank, when you start learning any martial art the first thing to do is exercise. keep exercising! for at least 6 months. Initially when I was learning martial art, our instructor did the same. It was really annoying to go to a martial arts class and just do some exercise and get back. But soon we started realizing that martial art is not magic it is how you mold your body based on exercises

I am fully agree because for any type of fight technique whether it is boxing, martial art, wrestling or something else one thing is most important and that is your stamina your endurance and for improving endurance you need exercise. It totally depends on your couch that what type of initial exercise he prefers. Most of the time running is one of the best exercise to build the stamina.

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