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Everything Disappeared And Switched To Google

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Please help me.

I got an unexpected email from GoogleApps regarding my site and domain name which was always hosted at trap 17.

I signed up for a Logic plan yesterday.

All of a sudden, tonight, my site and email disappeared.

Google now wants me to verify my domain name.

It says:

1. Create a HTML verification file named googlehostedservice.html , copy the text specified below into it, and upload it to http://vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/ .



2. Once you have made the changes, make sure you can see the file at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

However, it does not tell me where to upload it to.

I have made a .html file, but now I don't know what to do with it.

I cannot log into my Trap 17 Cpanel anymore, where has it all gone?

Does that mean all of a sudden my site hosting has been moved to Google?

I posted a question about the switch over yesterday in the "Alerts and notices" topic here, I got no replies at all to it, and I suspect I have done something wrong.

Here is a copy of my post:


I followed all the above steps and it has worked (obviously).

However, I think I might have made a mistake while signing up.

My subdomain is vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com, while I also own a domain name which is vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk.


I did choose the bottom option (I will update the name servers or get a domain), but instead of my subdomain, I entered my domain name.

Now I am a bit concerned.

Will that affect anything? Will my subdomain still exist?

Does the system know by my domain name what my subdomain was?

Do I have to let my domain point at the nameservers again?


At this time it looks like my website is still accessible through both my domain and subdomain URL, but won't that change?

Also, I did not buy any extra features at this time, can I still change that later?

I ask because I noticed that there was one feature to do with email, costing $14.95, since I did not buy this, will I still keep my existing email?


And then finally, can i now also buy another hosting plan with a different (sub)domain so that I can use a different web site too?


Sorry to be asking so many questions, but i read the explanations a bit hastily, and it is srill all a bit diffivult and obscure to me with this new system.


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

I am extremely worried now that i might have lost all my data which were on Trap 17, including my MySQL databases and all their contents.

What about my email?

It looks like Google has all of a sudden set up a Google gmail address for me.


I am very confused and extremely worried.

Could someone please, please help me out ASAP?





In the mean time I have submitted a ticket, the ticket is quoted underneath:


After joining MyCents and purchasing a logic plan, I have had seriouis problems.

I must say, I am partly to blame for them, as I read the instructions a bit hastily, but now everything has gone pear shaped.


I used to have my site under the subdomain 'vlaanderen-flanders.trap17.com', and my domain was 'vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk'.

Like I said, i purchased a logic plan, but must have made some mistakes filling in the form.

I see my Cpanel is still up and running, and all my files are still there, but everything is registered in my domain name 'vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk', my Trap 17 subdomain is gone.

I also got an email from GoogleApps, about my email changing over to Google, with the message to upload a HTML file so they can verify my domain.

I have done that, but when I click on 'Verify' at Google, I now get a 403 error.

Also, my site is now unreachable, whenever i type into my browser 'http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/' or http://vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/, I get a 'Page not found error. What can I do to be able to see my site again, and is it possible to restore my Trap 17 Subdomain, and keep my domain as a parked domain, like it used to be?


Please help, as I really don't know where to go from here.




However, the fact still remains, I do not know what I am doing at the moment, all my email cannot be reached, Google is still veryfying my domain, I fear that all the email i might have received in the mean time will be lost.

Is there no way I can get to my email in the old place?

Edited by mrdee (see edit history)

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2. Once you have made the changes, make sure you can see the file at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

It does tell you where to upload the file with your key. It's your root directory. And when they list your domain name "vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk" followed by slash "/" and a file name "googlehostedservice.html" the file is located at your root of web folder.


And the web folder is public_html folder. Remember that when you created an index file, you upload to either www or public_html folder? WWW and public_html are the one in the same? And so where you upload your index file is displayed as




So, if they asked you to upload so that vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/googlehostedservice.html works properly, it means to place it under your public_html directory.

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Google App mail (or Google Mail) for domain is 100 times better than what we or any other company provides. That company is the first place who fears the most of getting his __ sued! At the moment, even if anyone do thinks about suing xisto, there is not much to make you happy in INR .. lol. We are cheap.At least, being one of the person who started with days where a mail popping in my mail-box from a relative/friend would bring great joy... to a time where I m now worried about marking any important mail as spam. The solutions provided by Google are fantastic and companies are charging $25+ dollars for setting it up for customers.. That's something which is 1. do not forget, a Freeeeee wisdom Service by Google. 2. A Lame way to Charge people for setting it up!For an advanced e-mail *safe, secure, reliable*, We have Corporate Mail Solution hosted on a different cluster but again, thats expensive ... because its quite a long journey for us to be like Google and soon we will look forward to provide Corporate Mail Solutions to our members for FREE! However, Xisto Members posting here can buy corporate hosting using myCENT credits. :-) Call it free or paid, shhh... Anyway, The Service by Google offers a thousand more services like mobile /blackberry support and ajax interface (award winning, Gmail interface). GBs and GBs of space which you will never exhaust (except a geek on I know on Xisto :) ) You data is not lost in anyway, and you can download your existing data by sending a mail to support :)-Shree

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Yes, that is all good and well, but I have made a mistake in signing up.I cannot get to anything anymore.My subdomain vlaanderen-flanders.trap17 is gone, everything is now set up in my real domain, which is vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk.My Cpanel works (it only worked after I changed my password), all my files are there, but i can't get to my site anymore, my email has gone dead, I don't know where to point the DNS servers at, in other words, everything I had built up seems to be gone.I am not sure how to submit a Support Ticket, as I don't know if I can still class it as 'Xisto - Support', I don't know whether i can just fill in my current username and password to submit a ticket, as the form is pre-filled with a kind of weird username, can I just replace that by my own?I was supposed to send out a newsletter round this time, but I can't get to anything.When I test whether that google file has worked, I get a 'Page Load error'.So, would someone please try to help me to get all my stuff up and running again, and maybe to reset it to a Trap 17 subdomain again?I am sorry if i don't make any sense in some of my posting or whether i am overlooking very obvious solutions, but at the moment I am in a state of panic, and I don't seem to know what I am doing.Will someone please help me out so that I can sort this problem ASAP?Thank you ever so much for any help I might receive.

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Just an update for the members concerned :)

Thank you for contacting the support department, I have fixed your domain issue you can check this by going to megaproxy.com and surfing your website vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk . The reason it did not work was because your domain was pointing to the old DNS instead of the new one.

Your Xisto sub domain will work only on the server GAMMA while currently your account is hosted on server ZETA. Do you want me to terminate the new account and preserve the old account? Coming to your Google Apps problem. Logic Plans have Webmail disabled therefore to make sure that clients get a reliable service we provide 3 options :-

1. Google Apps, I have verified your google apps and your email should be functional soon. => Free
2. Corporate Email (Xisto - Domains) :- Another mail service but this is a paid service.
3. Mail forwarders :- we configure a mail forwarder for you by logging into your Cpanel. => Free and can be done by you.

Kindly update this ticket if you have any more doubts or queries regarding this issue.

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Thank you for this reply, velma.
However, I do not really know what I am doing at the moment, but I have replied to the ticket with the following answer:

Hello,Thank you ever so much for your quick reply.

Please do terminate the current account and restore the old one./
Will that still count, and will it cost me extra MyCents? (Not a problem, I seem to have enough credit).
Will that restored account then still be valid as a Trap 17 subdomain, and will I keep it, just by paying my monthly $1.95 MyCents, without having to do any more configuration?

Also, the emails I might have received to my address webbie@laanderen-flanders.org.uk during my outage, are they lost now, or can I still recover them?

I know i am asking a lot (apologies for that), but I really do not know what I am doing at the moment.

Thanks again for your quick response.

I hope I will get a satisfactory solution soon, as i was in an extreme state of panic.

One more thing I noticed, by the way, In my profile it says I earned $13.00 in Mycents, and I have accumulated some $0.84 so far, yet in my Xisto CP it says I have $11.05.
Do the credits you accumulate not get added at Xisto, or does that only happen when you have earned a full dollar?

Also, in the reply, 'Megaproxy.com' is mentioned to surf my site, I have surfed to megaproxy.com, but it all looks Chinese to me :) What menu item do I select to surf to my site?
Edited by mrdee (see edit history)

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You have earnt $13.84, of which $13.00 has been transferred (which is what it would say under your posts/in your profile), and you currently have $11.05 in the Xisto CP because you purchased the $1.95 logic plan. Did you think that the money you spent didn't deduct from your balance!? :)

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You have earnt $13.84, of which $13.00 has been transferred (which is what it would say under your posts/in your profile), and you currently have $11.05 in the Xisto CP because you purchased the $1.95 logic plan. Did you think that the money you spent didn't deduct from your balance!? :)

Of course I didn't think that :), but it looked a bit strange, that difference between what my profile says and what Xisto says.So, what about adding the MyCents i accumulate, is that only done every time you get to $1?

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Anyway, my site and email have now been restored (email after lots of sweat, however).The thing is, I can now upload things via Cpanel, but when I Ose Filezilla (using the settings I was given by Cpanel), it cannot find my /public_html/ directory, the only thing it can find is when I enter / as remote directory, but that seems to be empty.I submitted a ticket for that but got no reply.I don't even know when i am looking at the right server here. i asked for my Cpanel URL but got no reply.They said Trap 17 only works on GAMMA< yet my Cpanel is on ZETA and my site is up and running.I cannot access my MySQL DB remotely anymore, neither.Questions about how to reach it via Xisto also stayed unanswered.Is there anyone here who has some amswers for me, please?Thanks.

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I simply do not believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things are going from bad to worse now!!


Yesterday, after lots of misery, I managed to get everything up and running again, today I get a reply from Xisto to a ticket I submitted:

Dear Frankie,


I have terminated the old account therefore you should be able to add your main domain as an addon domain. Also, I have reset the password to one present in your Client Area. Kindly let me know if you are able to login to gamma.xisto.com:2082 using your username and password.








Xisto Corp.

Xisto - Web Hosting.com

However, when trying to access the page at the aforementioned address, the page won't even load, and when going to http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/ (my site), I also get an error, a Page load Error saying 'The Address cannot be found'.


All this means I am now left with nothing, while yesterday, albeit with lots of trouble, I got everything working.


I submitted a ticket on this.


Come on, Xisto, get your finger out and get it working!!!

Or has anyone got any advice?



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The thing that is confusing is that I can see your sub domain perfectly fine http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and even after having your Ip removed from the firewall you are unable to see the site.... Which means your ip can be a dynamic one... Can you tell me if you are able to see your site using megaproxy.com ?

P.S : Xisto is slugging it out :) , just that you are the only one unable to see your site therefore making it difficult to troubleshoot.

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Yes, I can see my subdomain site too, however, when accessing my site (the .org.uk one) through megaproxy, I get an 'Unknown Host Error'.My IP is indeed dynamic.Could it be that the DNS servers need adjusting?They are set to ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com.

Edited by mrdee (see edit history)

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