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My Domain Problem The Mistake Of The Others

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Ok, I was going to buy my good domain from you guys, and my non-important from another forum. The forum is Geeksteps. I fill out their template, and the admin goes to work getting the domain for me. I later am not receiving the transfer request from dyandot.com. I post in the topic for support, and they seem to get a bit mad. I have learned one thing: I don't care if they thing it is rude, as long as I don't curse, and state my facts correctly. That way, I won't get banned, but I'll get my support weather they want to give it to me, or not. After a while, I just take some screenshots. This proves to them that there was something wrong, and they should check again. They later post back saying, "we are sorry, but the domain was given to the wrong person." Ahh, just the thing to start my morning. They are nice, and offer me another .net domain, etc. But the one I really wanted, was yes, that domain. I want the admin to help me get this domain back, but he says he can't do anything about it. Really? Nothing? So, I contacted the domain service (dyandot.com), and still yet to get a response from them. I emailed the person from looking up the whois of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and they emailed me back saying, "its mine now thanks for it." Direct quote! I'm so confused on this, and I suggest not going to their site; for their admin isn't exactly top notch. I need Xisto's help! Thanks.

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That's stupid from the admin's side, but people make mistakes, that's what makes them people.A possible solution is to ask for another domain (by the other persons wish) from the admin because he screwed it up and offer it to exchange it with your fs-talkzone.com domain. I don't how honest is the other person, as he doesn't look that honest by that quotation, but you can always try, can't you? :)Cheers.

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That's the good news. lol It actually turned out the person who had the domain (that wasn't suppose to have it) account was deleted because the domain was made with a fake credit card. Poor him, if he would have given me the domain, he wouldn't have to rebuy all of his domains. Anyway, as soon as it was back on the market, I bought it through Xisto with mycents. See, all solved. :) The old domain company even emailed me telling me I did nothing wrong, and will not be held accountable. It was the admins fault, not mine. :) Glad it all worked out.

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