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Music And Mathematics

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I was good at school mathematics but never had the determination or the patience to go ahead and sit down for some straight periods. It all started to show in my mark sheets. I had the pressure from my other clasmates as they would call my by varous names one of them being, 'first girl'. It was not easy for me to tolerate as there were three boys in front of me 1st, 2nd and 3rd, competing among themselves and i would alwas be 4th - first among girls.Soon i asked my father to get me a tutor after three consecutive class results and 4th all the times. My father could not arrange for a tutor as my younger brother was not good at studies and needed more than one tutor. It was difficult for hom to pay for another tutor, so i took up tution myself for class 2 students. With three students i got Rs 225 a month. About $5 a month. I got a tutor for Rs 300 who also taught at my school. It helped me in my studies but was not good enough as the batch i was in was at 9pm and would finish within an hour. Also there were 16 of us studying togather in the same batch. My half yearly results did not show any imptrovement. my mother also fell sick. I had to leave tution.On of my father's friend oneday noticed me sitted on my table but very sad and bored. He enquired about what i was doing. On my reply that i was doing maths, he asked my father to get me a good table lamp and a small transistor radio or a cassette player. he asked me to listen to music whenever i felt like listening, but not more thn 30 minutes and while doing maths to liten to instrumentals or soft music at low volumes. It looked absurd at first but my father got me an old recorder. I would then listen to music and study. My mother would get furous to see m e listening to music but i continued. Soon interest in studies started to develop. And by the time final annual exams came i was complete with all maths at my command.I got a full 100 out of 100 in maths in class 8 and ranked first in the class, the three boys competing within themselves. Uptill I left school I was first in the class, not just among girls. thanks to the music and maths relationship. I do not have proofs but it really helped me learn faster and understand better

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It just goes to show what music can do.You didn't say whatkind of music you were listening to though.If it's music you likethen it would probably help the adrenalin and get the blood pumping quicker.

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I already said, it was instrumentals and soft music, which did the best. I felt better with those that had a regulr beat and not high pitched. Saxaphone was one of my favourates.

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I always have my computer on so there is always some music or the other playing. I normally choose the songs depending on my mood so if it is something that has been mulling over my head for quite some time I normally put on some Metal music or something and then hit the books. i always listen to instrumental music while doing Math and Biology. Pop is a good option while doing Physics because pop gets me all cheerful while tackling a subject that involves energy. Chemistry is Rock.. period :lol: I listen to piano and flute instrumentals mostly but when a subject requires my full attention I switch off the music, get the theory in and put the music back on. The key is to know when to switch on the music and when to turn it off, people keep the music on and do not realize when their attention starts shifting but the instant you feel that it is taking more time than usual to complete a particular theory, switch off the music and try reading it once more. That should give you an idea as to when your music needs to be on/off

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