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This is a site which they vote and select best blogs in 2004 world-wide, but that is what I saw this morning, "Bandwidth Limit ExceededThe server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later."LOL, how could people believe your results if you can't even afford a server with little bit more bandwidth?

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hey, bandwidth is expensive! :D and if the site you mentioned is such a popular one, then people from all over the world are hammering it every second, every day. that would eat up much bandwidth, for sure. :Pbut it seems to be working again. lolz. so their bandwidth issue has been resolved for the meantime. :D if it is that good a site, hope they can sustain it. btw, burgen, do you have your own blog there you want us to vote for? Xisto members can hammer in our votes if you want B)

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Interesting site, looks like somebody knows how to do css. heheh Had no idea there was a way to rate blogs. Some of them have cash prizes right... well on the Best American one for example, they got US$20.05 to The Blog Herald. I wonder what the extra $.05 is for? Is that shipping and handling? LOL

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hey, bandwidth is expensive! :D and if the site you mentioned is such a popular one, then people from all over the world are hammering it every second, every day. that would eat up much bandwidth, for sure. :P


but it seems to be working again. lolz. so their bandwidth issue has been resolved for the meantime. :D if it is that good a site, hope they can sustain it.


btw, burgen, do you have your own blog there you want us to vote for? Xisto members can hammer in our votes if you want :D


I do have a very small blog myself, but nobody but me look at it. B)

anyway, I am not interested in such stuffs, but maybe we can bulid a Xisto blog in which we publish the mosting interesting post of the Xisto forums and send it to the competition.

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Bandwidth is what most people try to get most of when looking for hostings. I needed alot since of the forums and medium traffic. Bandwidth is really expensive, most hosting companies try to offer alot but within limits because thats one of the most expensive parts of the whole proccess.

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