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Problems with databases

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It's seems that all my databases don't work, I can't login In phpmyadmin and whenever I want to acces forum or portal I get message that there are problems with database, i hope that is this beacause of the host and that will be soon fixed because my forum and portal have worked today but now....

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YEh don't worry.... it's just that these past few days the members have been doing things that they were not suppose to be doing etc and that caused a few problems... they will be back up shortly please DO NOT POST ANY MORE THINGS ABOUT THIS QUERY... we KNOW we are NOT DUMB... The question you have asked have ALL BEEN ANSWERED just take your time to roam around and find it.PLEASE STOP THIS MOANING AND WAIT!This post is not towards you "someone' just members thick in the head

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Ok :P I am glad that is not problem with me or that I have do some errors :DWhy don't you add some ANNOUNCEMENTS in ANNOUNCEMENTS subforum, it's empty but there should be such things B)Thanks on the answer :D

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