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Asus 'eeepc' Series Discussions about the EeePC series.

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Although Asus EeePC was out a long time ago, I decided to make a topic about it for discussions about the EeePC.


As you know, the 3 'e's stand for;

Easy to play

Easy to work

Easy to learn


The Asus EeePC is very cheap, it's around ?169.99 in PC World or Toys R Us. (Yes, they do sell it at Toys R Us, thats where I got mine from).


It's also nice and small, only 7" screen. You can get the Linux-BASED edition (its not exactly Linux, its only linux based) and you can also get the XP edition. (Its just xp, nothing changed). My sister has got the Linux-based edition and I've got the XP edition. It's quite a good pc you know, the XP edition comes with 1GB of RAM and two processors. I would recommend it to anyone.


And also, I forgot to mention that it comes with built in wireless!

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I have been following this hardware since the Hack A Day guys have been doing the complete tear down.An interesting product with lots of promise but I wonder if it will prevail under the recent popularity of Dell's Mini 9. Taking a side step from Asus' eeePC, both Dell and Asus are gearing towards portable yet powerful computing device. Hack A Day fellows (including yours truly) have launched a project where a personal PDA styled device with 7"-10" screen. The much failed Microsoft's WinCE, and now called Windows Mobile OS (a.k.a. Pocket PC), are practical in portable world because it does not require "boot up" and consumes much far lesser power. And Pocket PC OS can do just about any editing, browsing and network administrative tasks just as your average laptop.Aside from editing graphics I find my PDA just as equal when retrieving critical email, monitoring server status, keeping in touch with Xisto :), and editing CSS or PHP file. But I just cannot stand the 4" screen when I have to work longer than 30 minutes--neck strain.I was very eager to purchase eeePC but I will wait until they can make it slimmer, thinner and operate longer without sacrificing large work display. I do enjoy the QWERTY keyboard in both models.

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Well I could understand for the need to make computers smaller faster and more affordable, although the Macbook Air is a bit expensive, but it would seem that working in such small screens will do some serious eye damage after a long time use. Granted that the screens are optimize to make the text not look like it is 1px, of course I could just connect the laptop to high end 42" TV and just go from there. Although they hardware is top of the line such as Solid State Drive and packing them in with 3GB of RAM, it would seem that they are making laptops more limited to what they can do. Especially if your one of those people who have a stack of CD's and DVD's loaded with back up and software and stuff like that, however, I think the computer hardware industry is getting ready to move to cloud computing which makes the use of CD's and DVD's obsolete in the future.On the other hand, because of the acceptance of linux operating systems thus making it cheaper those computers are going to be perfect for students who are in grades 6-12 because some schools will be able to afford these computers and still be able teach students basic computer skills and hopefully be able to write better instead of myspacing and facebooking all day. Granted there are more pros and cons to have small computers and PDA's but again I would think it would be up to the user on how they want their computer to look though.

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Well I could understand for the need to make computers smaller faster and more affordable, although the Macbook Air is a bit expensive, but it would seem that working in such small screens will do some serious eye damage after a long time use.

I think the problem is that technology advances but humans do not! When it comes to laptops, PDAs, cellphones, etc. everyone would love to have something small and easy to carry but that strikes a contrast with the "datasheet" of our body whose eyesight was originally intended for moving around, hunting and other basic and survival tasks and already suffers from intensive reading or other activities that require to look at something too close for too long... eventually evolution might be able to adjust our skills but certainly not in the space of a few generations which is the timespan in which most advancements in the information technologies have been made.

Coming to the eeepc I think it's a good compromise if you don't really need it :) more like an extra than something you rely on for your daily work/study, it's not a substitute of a proper desktop/laptop computer but can well serve to take advantage of free wifi around town, it is certainly more comfortable than a PDA or cellphone and fits in any small bag... now they have a version with a 10 or 11-inch screen which is similar to other portable laptops on the market and thus nothing revolutionary, apart from the price which is still very affordable...

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The funny thing is that i was just looking at the Asus website, i have been looking to buy one of these miniature computers that i have heard so much about. I am currently thinking of buying the Asus EEE PC 1000H, it has everything that i could ask for, plus i really need a new laptop. I have found one for four hundred and thirty dollars but i dont know if it is worth it.

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The funny thing is that i was just looking at the Asus website, i have been looking to buy one of these miniature computers that i have heard so much about. I am currently thinking of buying the Asus EEE PC 1000H, it has everything that i could ask for, plus i really need a new laptop. I have found one for four hundred and thirty dollars but i dont know if it is worth it.

depend on your needs. if you use for internet surfing, chatting, word processing same kind like this.
This EE pc series is worth. Because it small and easy to bring. Even this laptop equiped with solo core but
it is enough for basic usage like i list above.

This specification just suitable for windows xp, not for vista. REMEMBER !!!!!
coz solo core + low capacity of harddisk.

Actually, my younger sister also seeking for mini computer.
so, ee pc mayb her choice.haha !!

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