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How To Add Files To My Sql Database

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Although not advised for storing large files, you can include files directly into mysql by using the BLOB type. Unfortunately mysql databases normally don't have very much space allocated to them because they mostly store text so you might find that it is easier to upload files to a directory on your website and reference them from sql. If you are still sure you want to do this, and if you are trying to do this from php, this tutorial might help you on your way.

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I am Alpha testing a CMS that stores the Template file and the CSS file in a Database and allows changes to be made to them via the Admin Panel for the CMS instead of using an FTP program and an editor.
How cool is that?

So, storing files as a Database record is easy enough to do.
Here is the SQL for the Templates Table. You can add Templates and select whichever one you have added as the displayed Template via the Admin Panel.
The CSS files are handled the same, except in a different Table.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,  `template` longtext,  `main_temp` char(3) NOT NULL default 'YES',  `css` varchar(8) default NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`));
The 'template' element of the Table stores the actual, full html as type=longtext.

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