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Messed Up With Life ? Run to the deliverer ...

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A lady worked in a factory where delicate silk threads were woven. Once, the ball of thread she was working with got entangled hopelessly. The standing instruction given to the workers was whenever the threads get entangled they should immediately call the supervisor who had the knack to disentangle the threads. Inspite of this the lady tried by herself to remove the knots. The more she tried, the worse it became. At that moment, the supervisor arrived and found the work in a dreadful mess. ?I was doing my best to remove the knots? said the lady ?The best thing you should have done is to have called me? replied the supervisor. In a few minutes he worked on the complicated knot of threads and removed all the tangles.Dear friends, how often do we entangle the threads of our lives by our foolishness and disobedience! How often do we try frantically to unravel the mess by ourselves! How hesitant we are to call our Master and allow Him to deal with the problem until the whole situation goes beyond control! In this text we read about the disobedience and faithlessness of the Israelites which is recorded in the Bible, Instead of trusting the promises of the Lord, they believed the false news of the ten spies. They refused to listen to Joshua and Caleb who gave encouraging reports about Canaan. They rebelled against the Lord. Because of this, the Lord?s anger burned against them and he caused them to wander in the desert for forty years. Had they called upon the Lord and listened to His good counsel they would have reached Canaan quickly. They would have avoided so many complications. So let us also not heed to our flesh. But, before things become more complicated why not we lift our hearts to God and plead for help?

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