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Hypothetical: You Are Defending The Alamo

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here's the deal. you are transported back in time to the defense of the alamo. you are allowed to take with you, one modern weapon, under the following conditions: 1. it is usable by one person - basically, something handheld 2. anything you need to prop it up must be present at the fort already 3. if electrical, it must have a self-contained power source (i.e., a high-powered laser would not work because there is nowhere to plug it in, and batteries can only last so long) 4. physical constraints such as the weapon overheating, reloading, jamming, and ou sucking are issues that you will have to deal with 5. this weapon has to be able to fit in your time machine, which is made out of a yugo. that means no tanks, rail guns, or *BLEEP* like that 6. you have enough ammo to last the entire time you are there. say, 2 backpacks full of loaded magazines, or something along those lines my two questions for you: 1. what weapon do you bring and why? 2. is the addition of you and this one piece of modern firepower enough to change the outcome of the battle? note: if you are killed early, you have taught everyone else at the fort how to use the weapon, so someone else can pick it up and keep going where you leave off. thus, your life ending due to some chance event is inconsequential to the overall outcome. assume that the mexican army has no knowledge of how to use the weapon, and no time to learn in the heat of battle. so the enemy picking it up and using it against the defenders is also not a concern my choice: ak-47. from what ive heard, it is just about the best assault rifle. not particularly heavy, 7.62mm round has plenty of power, and can be used at long distances. against an invading army of people expecting to be attacked by *BLEEP* muskets, picking them off while they attempt to fortify their positions around the fort could be a key element. as could forcing them to set up their positions outside of their functional canon range (i have no idea what this actually is, but im sure 1836 canons were *BLEEP*) outcome: although i would kick huge amounts of *bottom*, once they started their full scale attack, it would be hard not to be overrun, as they would be coming from all directions. i think the alamo still falls, but the mexican army is then so *BLEEP*ed that it has to retreat and go home. they probably don't come back, and san antonio is renamed "elbowville" for my heroics

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I can not remember what the alamo was exactly, because ireland .. well.. my school has crap history classes.. we don't have the option of doing it for our final 2 years of school.Anyway, I'm going to randomly guess and go with a rocket launcher.. ?_? it would blow up large parts of the place. and the people would get scared of it.. and run.. well.. it's a gamble.. .but.. I'm pretty sure they might run... alternativly, I could just take a bag of hand grenades.. ?_?

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