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Fileop Failure On A Folder On cPanel

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FileOp Failure on: /home/skyed211/public_html/forums/style_images/ip.boardpr: Operation not permitted

I seen to get this error when CHModding the above folder. My boards images will not work, I've tried help from IPS, and one of the IPS Resources staff, and no help. They don't know what's wrong.

This happens (the error) on Xisto's side and on cPanel, plus on FTP programs. What is wrong with this? It's obviously Traps side that's causing it. I have a correct IPB 2.3.5.rar, all files are correct nothing wrong with them. I've been having this problem for weeks now. Please can I get some help with this? style_images folder is CHMOD 777, as the IPS Installer asked, but not showing. when I try viewing the images with my site link /forums/style_images/logo4.gif, I get the error page I created. (403 Forbidden Access).

Any help please? Thank you,

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This may not be the solution but here is my input...Firstly of course the 403 is due to some sort of password protection on that directory OR the permissions are just 000 (or whatever the CHMOD is for no privileges at all)now if you mean you cant change the file permissions via CHMOD in your FTP.... What program are you using? I had a similar problem with a different host when using FileZilla, i Chmodded successfully in the ftp program, but when i views the properties immediately after the change they were back to how they were before (so the CHMOD failed)Part of the problem for me i think was the program itself, it was outdated, (and still is) so try updating your FTP program. the way i solved it was to download the problem folders to my desktop, then re-upload them and CHMOD them, it seemed to work. Also try CHMODding the parent folder and applying those settings to ALL subdirectories and files. Then see if that works. If it does you may have to manually re-set the other items in that directory to keep security.I dont know if that helps at al but thats my story and it might shed some light on your issue. Though if you tried it through cpanel too... its odd....Edit: i just realized the filename of the folder and it doesnt start with odd characters, but ill leave the below information for prosperity.... if ip.bordpr is a FOLDER name and not a file, then try removing the dot. It may work, it may not.PS are the folders you are chmodding hidden or protected folders? I think the issue i had started because the folder names started with a "." or a "_" Try renaming them, then chmod, then rename it back if this is the case.

Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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Nope. Still didn't solve the problem. My images are still refusing to appear, and they still say Forbidden access. The style_images folder is CHMOD 777, so I don't know what's wrong.Any suggestions on how to fix it?

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Have you checked the permissions on the images themselves? (if you can) it could be that the folder is 777 but the images arent. Also try checking the folder password protection thingy in cpanel just to make sure it hasnt somehow got protection. Are there any HTACCESS files in or above the style_images folder? Could be some sort of protection there. It could also be hotlinking protection that has activated by default because of the forum settings o look for some HTACCESS files

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Oh my flipping god Shadow! Your SO genius!


Could be some sort of protection there. It could also be hotlinking protection that has activated by default because of the forum settings o look for some HTACCESS files

That was why images was not working! Thank you SO dang much Shadow. Seriously. It worked. Now to get on with Central-Gamings Gaming Community! :)


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Hehe well ya know :) glad to hear it is resolved anyway! And glad i could flex my brain muscle :)

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Ooo, you brainy so and so! :) Thanks for your help dude.How can I promote (advertise) Central-Gaming? Other then on other sites, is there a way or allowed to advertise/show off my site on here?-Sky

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