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Controlling Your Junk Food Intake so you dont balloon up...

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1. Before you start snacking, drink a glass of water first. Thirst is often confused with hunger. So if you drink water, you may realize that you don't need those fatty potato chips after all. 2. If you absolutely must snack on something, get something healthier or low-fat, like yogurt or a cereal snack bar. Preferably, go for fruits.3. Instead of forcing yourself to stop eating your favorite junk food completely, get them in smaller portions. E.g. buy a small packet of potato chips instead of a jumbo size. Or a one bar of chocolate instead of a fun pack.4. Eat small meals throughout the day rather than large ones for lunch and dinner. Have your meals earlier so that dinner is your last meal for the day.5. Include healthy proteins like cheese, nuts, beans and lean meat into your meals and snacks. They help to keep you full longer without making you put on as much weight as fats and carbohydrates would. 6. If you like spicy food, add lots of spice and chili to your food. Food with a lot of flavour tend to stimulate your taste buds and make you find it more satisfying. Not to mention, you'll have to drink lots of water and that makes you full too. 7. Reduce your carbohydrate intake by replacing your pasta, bread or rice with vegetables or low-fat protein foods.

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I know people that have lost weight while still eating alot.. I the problem is most people now days don't know the difference between junk food and good food! They eat everything out of a box what happened to actually cooking meals?

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I heard the drink water before you have a snack one before. I don't know how you could confuse thirst and hunger but apearently you can because I heard that from a few sources. Like ethanw89 said you can eat a lot of food and still lose weight, it just has to be the right kind of food. Like fruits instead of cake. Personally I love fruit and think it tastes better than cake.

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