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Return From Haitus ran into some odd issues

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so i've come back from haitus ight? and i try to log into my sever via 'coffecup free ftp' which has always served me well!

but then i get an error message! it tells me my password and/or handle are incorrect. which of course is a big problem!
currently i need to get into the sever to fix a problem with my wordpress directory and being that i am unable to get in via my ftp protocol, my site is laying is utter disfunction.

so then i've searched around the site and to no avail. i am unable to remember or find the procedures for correction of my issue with my password being valid yet incorrect! it is the same password i've always used and it matches all of my records!

i need help desperatly, so very VERY nicely i am asking for help! please dome make me resort to PMs and begging!

if by chance you'd like to check out the site you can view it here. the problem seems to be originating with my word press, but like i said i cant get into the server! any and all help is appreciated! thank you!

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Luckily I check this topic out first, but yeah odds are you were gone with Xisto had a big DB error and everyone had their websites deleted by acciden and so databases were lost and passwords were deleted. So the Solution was to let admin know to restore your database and give you a new password in order to access your account.

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