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How Many More Times Will I Have To Post About This? Problem just keeps lingering

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I am wondering how many more times I will have to post about a problem that has been going on for far too long now. I know it might not help nagging about it here, but I have submitted tickets, which do not even get answered, while the problem happily lingers on. To be quite honest, I am really getting enough of it now. What are Xisto/Trap 17 up to? Ever since the server migration, there have been nothing but problems, and what is more, I am beginning to get the impression the powers that be could not care less, as they do not reply to your tickets, and the problems do not get resolved. I constantly get the same error message when trying to log in on one of my admin pages on my site:

Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(include/errors.xml) is not within the allowed path(s): /home/mrdee/public_html/admin/include/commonfunctions.php on line 682 Warning: fopen(include/errors.xml) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/mrdee/public_html/admin/include/commonfunctions.php on line 682 Cannot open XML data file: include/errors.xml

And, when looking on my PHPMyAdin page oncpanel, I am given:

Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: write failed: No space left on device (28) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 42 Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 42 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php:42) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 99

The best one is, when you submit a ticket, all you get (if you are lucky enough to get an answer) "please give us the URL of the page that gives you the error, your server, your cpanel username and password", which I have already done ad infinitum. Also, it even happened that, after I submitted all that information, they said they looked and everything worked normally, while the error was staring me in the face. It is high time something finally got done, as this is, free hosting or not, no longer acceptable. PS. If the mods think I am repeating myself, or if they see this as spamming, well, if tickets are being ignored, where else do I have to post this?

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Mysql is not working efficiently for two weeks. And my web site is not working properly for two weeks either. I wonder if there is someone trying to solve this issue. But I know that the administrators here are too helpful. Maybe they are too busy to solve this problem. But we all Xisto members at least I need mysql working efficiently again.Best Regards...Edit: I think the problem is solved right now. Thanks admins. :)

Edited by Erdemir (see edit history)

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Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(include/errors.xml) is not within the allowed path(s):  in /home/mrdee/public_html/admin/include/commonfunctions.php on line 682

What software package does this file/error come from? Can you describe the directory structure for the application, please.

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Well I found out why phpmyadmin been having so many problems and that it was some sort of accelerator being used for the accounts and so it was going so fast the accounts couldn't catch up and so phpmyadmin and some other various parts of the cpanel kept shutting down. So it was disable until a solution was found to get it back running again and so hopefully phpmyadmin and other affected parts of the system should be stable now.

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Good work admins! Yay for PhpMyAdmin!Been waiting for the fix quietly, even though it only affected me for a couple of days :P And it wasn't really much of a hassle either.. but yeah, good job fixing it :)

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What software package does this file/error come from? Can you describe the directory structure for the application, please.

What do you mean, what software package?
All I can say is that is what I see in my browser (Firefox).

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What I meant to ask was: What software package or application are you running to create this error? A CMS or Blog software? A php page you wrote? A Forum software?

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What I meant to ask was: What software package or application are you running to create this error? A CMS or Blog software? A php page you wrote? A Forum software?

A PHP page, generated by PHPRunner 4.1.
But I never had the error before.
Besides, this page has nothing at all to do with my PHPMyAdmin page on CPanel.

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Previous poster says the cpanel phpmyadmin is functioning properly now.I just checked and my Forums are fine, phpmyadmin is operating on my account, is yours working now?As to the Error you report, (Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(include/errors.xml) is not within the allowed path(s):

 in /home/mrdee/public_html/admin/include/commonfunctions.php on line 682), I suggest you have the error reported at the software Forum site. I suspect the details of the software, and a Guru, will be better able to assist you than us.

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Yes, my PHPAdmin is working now.However, like Isaid in my first post here (and others before that, as I had to keep repeating myself), my PHPAdmin and the page on my question on my site did always start to work, only to go down again a little while later.On one occasion I even got a reply form Xisto where they said that I was not going to get the problem again as they had identified the cause of the problem, only to see that everything went down again a little while after that.And that kept going, on-off, on-off, etc.What is even worde, although the problem seems to be solved (for now), Xisto have not even bothered to reply to my ticket.Nice service, I would call that.

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Hi,First of all apologizing for all of the trouble the members have been caused and I apologize on OpaQue's behalf, he was supposed to reply regarding this but he has been busy on another project.Like Michael has posted, the reason that PhpMyAdmin and MySql have been going up and down was due to the E- Accelerator. The accelerator was specially installed by OpaQue to load websites fast and this feature had been installed only for trappers and asta members. Now the reason that the bugger started giving so many problems was because the memory was getting used really quickly thus resulting in the lovely fiasco.Now you might be wondering as to what in heck we were doing and why this was not fixed earlier. Every time the service had been down and reported the admins fixed the issue thinking it to be some other factor causing the problem but when the issue was reported the third time our L3 (Level 3) Engineer confirmed that it was the e accelerator that was messing up everything.For now we have uninstalled the accelerator but OpaQue and senior admins are trying to find a solution for the same. In the meantime if there are any doubts regarding the issue you are always welcome to update this topic.Adding a note regarding the tickets, I am sure that it is very frustrating when you receive a late response or no response at all but that in no way means that we are ignoring or neglecting the client's needs. Our support admins have a bit too much of a load on their heads therefore it is difficult for them to reply to ticket quickly and I know this is not an excuse but kindly rest assured that your issues are not being ignored.Mrdee, I appreciate you opening this topic and I hope that you have gotten your answer and if you ever have any more doubts then I would be glad to clear your doubts :)

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