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Is Your Money Workign Hard ?

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Everyone works hard for earning money. But as far as a Christian is concerned, the money that he earns is not intended only for his use. Rather it is to be of use to the poor, and the needy. It is to be used for Gods service and the extension of His Kingdom. It was Andrew Murray who said:

What a wonderful religion Christianity is. It takes money, its self-interest, its covetousness, and its pride, and it changes it into an instrument for God's service and glory.

Yes, your money can really work hard to bring happiness in the Church and community. Andrew Murray further says in his book,
MONEY God has allowed the difference of rich and poor for this very purpose that just as in the interchange of buying and selling mutual dependence upon each other is maintained among men so in the giving and receiving of charity there should be abundant scope for the blessedness of doing and receiving good. A few days back when I visited a couple who celebrated their 50 th wedding anniversary, they shared with joy that they had been giving to the Lord all the years of their wedded life, and that their giving proportionately increased with the length of their wedded life. Presently, though they are retired they are able to give more than 21% of whatever comes into their hands. Isnt that really inspiring?

Remember that God gave you riches, to be of help to the poor to bring happiness into their lives. Check your attitude towards money today. Do you give generously to the Lords work and to the poor? Or do you simply hoard it? In the time of the early Apostles, everyone shared with others what they had, without holding anything as their own. Let us do likewise and please God.

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