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Big Softwares Not Always The Best i got sooo pist at eclipse yesterday :angry:

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well to get started, since i learned html one thing that was mention was the software to use and notepad was said to be a great way to get started. but i decited to start with microsoft visual studios express edition and that worked great for me; it had lots of good features including autocomplete and FTP. but it had it's nitches like the size of the dorwnload. it's a big size download especialy since it comes with the .NET framework. also it had no support for PHP, and i'm trying to learn PHP. anyways i had to inhstall SP3 and my hard drive was getting cramed so i had to get rid of it so i had to switch to another. i decited to go with eclipse and what a mistake that was. from what i read it had about all the features of visual studios plus suport for PHP( with certain plugins of course). with this one there wasnt a lot of goods it was mostly crash after crash. worst of all yesterday i tried to fix something on my site and i could only do one thing then it would crash. so after eight and a half hours of this i got realy pist (but did not breack my computer) and decited to use the basic notepad and i fixed in less than 5 minutes.after this i got fed up with big hardware craming softwares and i decided to start using notepad++ and i just used it today and it's working wonderfully. also my idea, that any software that runs on java is pure crap, was proven true. so unless realy necessary i'll will not use them anymore.

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