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Opaque And My Experience Here On Trap

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i've been a memeber here for a while. i've read some good posts and horrible posts. i've understood people and not understood people. i have made connections and non connections.i want to say publically right now that one of the connections i have made with is opaque. not because i am kissing *bottom* for another friend. we rarely speak to eachother. in fact, the only time we really spoken when i was on the verge of suspention on trap and on the verge of deletion.i have read alot of what opaque has said in these forums. he created these forums and everyone is so quick to listen and comment on his words. does anyone really truely listen though?i have listened and all that i have heard was something that always has a deeper meaning than the surfacy crap that everyone believes in or hears. personally, i would like to see opaque post more on a regular basis. he has a gift of some sorts that rarely nobody sees. he's living and breathing right now to influence others in a positve way. he works hard at it too.sometimes opaque works so hard at one area in his life that he forgets about the other areas that could be just as meaningfull. doesn't mean the other areas are meaningfull. ust means one has to sacrifice in life from one thing to another dictated by the time spent on any area.opaque has great restraint and great trust in his moderators and admins. he doesn't believe in everything that goes on here but has picked the ones that he thinks can speak for him in what he stands for and believes here on trap.opaque has ultimately created something on Xisto than rarely is seen now in todays society, but he's so busy creating backstage that nobody ever gets to see him ON STAGE.if i know opaque as i speak of him now, he's not comfortable on stage so much as back stage. what i qould like to see more of on trap is opaque's on stage presence here on trap. he has a gift and able to speak so much truth and wisdom. he has lots to share with others and i personally would like to see more of that. it's a gift to share with others and it shouldn't be wasted by distractions of other things probably just as important.i had to share what i have seen on Xisto when it is rarely seen by others in their busy lives of posting for credits. opaque has something else to offer here other than free hosting for posts if one takes the time to truely listen.am i the only one that sees this or are there other people out there that sees more like i do? please post your response and what you have seen from this man who hides back stage and never puts his own self in the lime lightpersonally, i would like to see more of who opaque really is and someone who has more to him than creating a community called Xisto....

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I am really not worthy of these words of appreciation. Many actions and comments said on the forum cannot be said truly me, because without a question there is no answer. Every Question raised by a student from heart is actually the gift of knowledge God gave him in the form of that question. Its up to the student if he truly wishes to see the truth and pursue the source of the cause to that question.This forum did start as a free hosting forum with an intention to earn advertising money, but I landed up realizing that "hosting" is my duty for humanity and automatically, a broader perspective of life just showed up. The craving for more stopped. Trivial facts of life revealed their simplicity and thus my knowledge of life.Before I could find the key to RICHES on the INTERNET, I found the peace in Simplicity. I do have a lot of things to share but yes, me babbling around will make no sense to anyone. Hence, its best to learn life from questions of others with wisdom to understand the true meaning of life which is one in all. Is there anything that can help me more than my duty giving me the chance to talk :-). Thinking this, I once again thank everyone for contributing your valuable gifts of questions to help us as a community to discover new perspectives of "topics" filled with wisdom :)

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i don't like the word worthy. i think everyone is worthy in their own ways but "worthy" of being appreciated? "worthy" of someone stating something that he or she sees? maybe not. like i said, you don't like being in the lime light but i can say this. the ones who aren't worthy are the ones who will ask for being worthy. you just proved the opposite by your response.

my post was directed at you, but is more a real life scenario where we are so quick to take the good in life without really recognizing where it comes from. when the bad comes, we are so quick to give our comments and opinion and recognize the negative that surounds us. why shouldn't this balance out to where we can equally recognize the good as well?

now opa, sorry, i disagree with you. yes, for some, what you think other people think as babble is probably babble to some. to others though it is not. far from babble. i only got to know you through your limited posts that were far from babble. what i am saying is why limit others getting to know you or you them when there is only a limited amount of people who wont understand or only consider your words babble?

lets face it opa, you did state that you aren't worthy. is that the same as saying a mother isn't worthy when a child shows their own love back to their mother? or the same as a friend telling another friend, "thanks for being there. you are truely a great friend". in those respects opa, you ARE worthy.

so my point to my post is two fold. i wanted to offer something back to you that maybe you never saw in me, AND i wanted to get others to think about life on more of a deep level because if we just see the surfacy part of life without really seeing the true meaning behind every word or action, then we go through life not really enjoying the best part of it....and we will definately not truely understand life in general and those that are around us.

as far as you specifically though, there is so much meaning behind what you do. it's funny how life works. yea, you started something to make some money on the internet not really knowing how it was going to evolve. that's funny to me in the sense of how life works sometimes. how we will always be guided in a direction in who we are even when it wasn't our original intention.

anyway, you should really use words other than babble when you are talking about how you speak. like i said in my previous message, you have a gift. something natural and has more meaning than just creating something special with Xisto. think of it this way opa....the more you speak, the more you enable your own self to touch someone in a special way. people will come and go and even when people go, there is still a chance that a part of you will still be inside them.

you've already shown in so many ways your self discipline and respect for others so i am not saying you should go around preaching(unless that is your calling) and flooding all the forums and sub forums with your wisdom :) all i am saying is that i know you have more to offer and i would like to see more of that. give it some thought bud and don't ever let what you think your obligations are or stress ever get in the way of that either. at the very least though, just keep being you.

I am really not worthy of these words of appreciation. Many actions and comments said on the forum cannot be said truly me, because without a question there is no answer.
Every Question raised by a student from heart is actually the gift of knowledge God gave him in the form of that question. Its up to the student if he truly wishes to see the truth and pursue the source of the cause to that question.

This forum did start as a free hosting forum with an intention to earn advertising money, but I landed up realizing that "hosting" is my duty for humanity and automatically, a broader perspective of life just showed up. The craving for more stopped. Trivial facts of life revealed their simplicity and thus my knowledge of life.

Before I could find the key to RICHES on the INTERNET, I found the peace in Simplicity. I do have a lot of things to share but yes, me babbling around will make no sense to anyone. Hence, its best to learn life from questions of others with wisdom to understand the true meaning of life which is one in all.

Is there anything that can help me more than my duty giving me the chance to talk :-). Thinking this, I once again thank everyone for contributing your valuable gifts of questions to help us as a community to discover new perspectives of "topics" filled with wisdom :D

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