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Alex's Review Of Hancock

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I don't review movies often, however I noticed that there was no review for Hancock yet, so here I go...


Hancock part one (1 hr. long, written by Vincent Ngo) was an amazing comedy. Perhaps it just seemed amazing because my expectations were so low from people saying this movie was going to be terrible, but I really enjoyed it and was glad I went to see it.


Hancock part two (1/2 hr. written by Vince Gilligan) was an alright action/thriller. Enough said...


Alright. so I'm just kidding about the writers, I really have no idea if Vincent Ngo wrote the first hour and Vince Gilligan wrote the last half an hour, but according to imdb they both wrote it and I wouldn't be surprised if different people wrote the first and second parts of this movie. The movie starts out with will smith being the alcoholic superhero that they have been advertising for all this time. Decent jokes, and I'd say its pretty good, if it ended there. But all of a sudden they decided that an hour wasn't good enough and decided to veer off the plot line and add some sappy chick-flick love story, but more than that. They decided to confuse the hell out of us by presenting us with something right out of the blue (I don't want to spoil it for you guys). But basically instead of saying "ohh, so thats who it is", the audience is going to say "Holy s*** what just happened?". Perhaps if they laid out this little part of the plot in the beginning it wouldn't have been so bad, but being hit right out of the blue was a bit shocking and confusing.


Now I'm not saying that I didn't like the movie, I'm just saying that they could have done a better job at it. I am still very happy that I saw it and I did enjoy myself, and I recommend anyone who saw the coming attractions to this movie (and liked them) to go see this movie, for at least the first hour.

Edited by galexcd (see edit history)

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I really liked this movie. It had more depth than I thought with many unexpected changes throughout the plot. It started off really funny and then as the plot continued to trying to change the personality of Hancock it remained funny but started progressing to a more superhero movie like. They set this movie up for infinite amount of sequels after they brought up the time line of the relationship between Hancock and the other superhero. Hancock can continue to be powerful but then meet up with his wife again some day with a new story line which they may try to do as they were very creative with this movie and it is not your everyday superhero movie.

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I saw the movie yesterday and I have to say it was much better then I expected! I would go so far that I would say it was better then Dark Knight. What I liked in Hancock? First of all the performance of Will Smith. Incredible actor! Second is the ending... After seeing Dark Knight, which is still a lot less dark then other Batman movies, almost any movie seems pink. I know Hancock's ending is a typical Hollywood ending, but I find it great that it finishes so happy. As much as I try I can't like movies where evil wins - it' just not in my nature... Third... Charlize Theron - In my opinion one of the hottest in the world. Last, but not least I liked the comedy. I haven't seen many superhero movies where the superhero is alcoholic and does more damage then he is supposed to. I agree the role doesn't seem to catch Will's strengths, but he does his best in this role and it ended a lot better then I expected!Overall I would give this movie a rating of 8 - 8.5!

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