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No Site Access

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It was working the day before yesterday and then it started giving me error messages about not being able to access the site. I can't access cpanel either. Neither page ever loads. I don't have this problem with any other internet pages, just my site stuff on Xisto. My site's at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ btw. This is one of the few times I'll need it up for sure so I'd appreciate if the issue can get fixed in the near future.

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if you experience such, your IP could be blocked by XISTO. ask Xisto - Support.com for unblocking. multiple failed FTP/cpanel access due to inauthentication issues (successive mistakes in username/password) usually prompts the server to block IPs which it somehow perceive is attempting hacks on the system.see attachment for a screenshot of your site, as proof your site is working, at least on my end. you can attempt to view your page using proxy sites to see it on your end, to verify. if you see it, work on the suggestion above.


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I agree with server and check to see if your IP got banned as that happen to me when the databases crashed last week, use the chat room at the Xisto - Support.com website to get it fix quicker.

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Okay, thanks for the help. I'm glad the site was at least up. Apparently they're now blocking IP addresses after a certain number of failed login attempts. They unblocked the IP address 3 times while I kept not getting the password, before I finally just asked for a reset. I know they're doing this to make the accounts more secure and reduce the chance of hacking, but I don't understand why it has to be such a low number of failed login attempts (must be like 10 or so). I'd think it should be at least 20 or 30.

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Well, would you want a person to have 100 chances to figure out your password or 1000? I doubt it, besides it only takes one attempt for you to log in, but because of what happen with this database crash people were trying to log in more then 3 times. I think I did like 6-7 failed log in attempts on top of the 2 or 3 failed ftp access attempts as well. So yeah the less chances a person has to acessing your account the higher chance they won't get in successfully.

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