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Giving Out Subdomains

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Okay.. so i was wondering if theres a way to give out subdomains names, without actuly hosting them on my cpanel/account


such as cheese.have-heart.net or so, if i have my dsn things pointed to Xisto and they are installed on Xisto


if not.. is there a way to give out subdomains to lets say a domain thats with namecheap, because i have have-heart.info i dont use it really, i had it pointing to have-heart.net but with the whole Xisto error thing, it unparked and im too lazy to park it again(:



hope this is not too confusing..

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Well you can do redirects through the cpanel if they are hosted on another website, however, if you want to host them then you will have to set up space on your account. In which it will be a password protected folder and you will have to set up a email account and ftp access to their account as well. So those would be your options but from the sound of it though you want to do the redirect service, but to be honest it don't make much sense unless they are hosted with you though, but again your Xisto account is way to small to host websites on though.

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