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Getting Rid Of That Little Pot Belly Or anyother little flabby part of your body :)

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Hello Xisto, this is my first post at the forums and I want it to so some good, so I am going to post this tutorial for some people who have noticed they have a little pot belly, and want to work it off effectively. Or as a matter of fact, any other parts that have become flabby ;).


8 Minute Abs

Don't laugh, I know the name is corny, but just wait until you see the video!


Ok, what it is, is an 8 minute (for those who hadn't guessed) exercise which (quite quickly actually) tones your belly pretty well, pretty fast. It is 11 45 second exercises

What you need:

- Dedication

- 8 Minutes of spare time every day

- A straight face while watching this video


Here is the link to the video: 8 Minute Abs


The video is great, the guy is very good at explaining what you need to do and what you should feel at that moment. For those who cannot view videos or access Youtube or what ever reason, I have transcribed the video:


Before you start:

- Don't stress your neck too much

- 45 Seconds for each exercise

- Pace yourself, don't go too fast, take it slow


Basic Crunch: Lie on your back and put your knees up, place your hands behind your head, it should look and feel like you are going to do a sit-up. What you need to do is curl your head and upper body without lifting your lower back, it's like a half sit-up. It should work the lower part of the stomach and a little of the belly button area.


Right Obligue Crunch: From the position you are in from the Basic Crunch, place your left hand over your stomach, when you bring your head in, curl your left leg in sync with it so that they touch, or get very close. Basically do the same as before but using your right hand side .


Left Obligue Crunch: You know what to do :)


Toe Touches: This one is hard, but pretty simple, whilst on your back put your legs up (not completely straight, just upwards) and try to touch your toes by reaching out with your hands and crunching inwards (don't touch the bottom of your toes, just reach out). About 3 seconds for one movement. This one hurts a little for me ;)


Like so: \_o (the 'o' is your head)


Reverse Crunch: Place your legs upwards again, and put your hands at either side of your bum. Lift your neck a little off the ground and bring your legs towards your head using your stomach, about 4 - 5 seconds per movement.



Right Side Crunch: Basically a crunch, except you lean your legs towards the left, and crunch using the right hand side of your abs. Keep your right hand behind your head and the other on your stomach.



Left Side Crunch: You know what to do!



Push throughs: Still on your back, place your knees up, and apart. Put your hands together and push all the way through your legs using your stomach region by lifting up your higher back. Try not to strain the neck on this one!



Leg Pushes: Get into the same position as the reverse crunch and again using your leg and stomach muscles push your legs and bum into the air


Like so: \_o


Remember to be controlled on this one!


Alternating Crunch: Lay onto your back and put your knees upward. Place both of your hands on your head and do a one sided crunch on each side, alternating. Your left elbow going towards your right knee and vise versa.


Curl: Still laying on your back. Place your knees up and hands onto your abs. Now just do a basic crunch without using your arms as support, and in the final 6 seconds of the exercise, hold the crunch, using all of your energy to curl up. And release!

All done!


Hope I helped, Sam.


If you have any questions, ask!

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