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Odinms Vs. Nexon

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As some of you may know, Nexon is the corporation that developed the popular MMORPG, Maplestory. OdinMS was the first Maplestory Private Server to emerge and began making their own source code for Maplestory. Soon, OdinMS released their source code to the public and Maplestory Private Servers were born. Now, Nexon is supposedly sueing OdinMS but the claims haven't been made clear yet. Here's a quote from OdinMS Developer 'Matze':


Apparently Nexon is sueing us. Currently we don't even know what claims they have against us - so far we have received a bill from a court with the information that it's about 350,000 matter in controversy. And it's sent from the Landgericht Hamburg.

Neither of this makes sense to us (we are not in Hamburg, neither is Nexon). Without any claims we don't even know why they are trying to sue us.

We don't know if or how much we'll actually have to pay at this point.

We don't know what will happen now. We won't be trying to risk our financial futures for keeping this project alive (sorry). We will keep you updated with this blog.

And here's an image of the bill that was sent to them. The claim is indeed real but the bill was sent by mistake and OdinMS wasn't forced to pay yet:

Posted Image


This Dev. has more updates on his blog here. He's also included a picture to prove that this is not fake (above). Also, the whole OdinMS forums were shut down - probably an attempt to get rid of any evidence that could be used against them. This means that other smaller private servers will suffer. Although the OdinMS source code is down for now, its previous availability to the public makes it easy for others to redistribute the code and make revisions. Even if Nexon does shut down OdinMS, private servers won't close for good because there will always be that source code out there somewhere. I personally think this whole matter about the claims is really hazy and unclear. Nexon has a reputation of being a bad company, receiving an F grade in a report by the Better Business Bureau. To me, it seems that this is Nexon's excuse to scare away the competition instead of making their own game better. I've personally played private servers and compared to globalMS, pServers are way more fun. That's what games should be about right? I support private servers because I've experienced the fun that you get from private servers and I don't want that to go away. Got any thoughts?

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I think your right. I really don't like the idea of Nexon suing private servers. I still play one because I think Nexon's community is absolutely shocking, which all the hackers you report and no GM comes and stuff.-reply by Steven

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old news dudeSeen the same topic on a different forumBesides I don't use private serversI like the original made by the creatorsnot some,cheap copy that let's you do whateverI guess nexon goes overboard sometimes huh?lol

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Who would want to play the original MapleStory if you could play train a lv200 character in private servers 100x faster then the original?You would be wasting time, and anyway the skills and jobs are the same, so you can experience the same thing in a shorter time, instead of playing the original one 24/7 like hell until you get a lv200? How easy is that compared to 100x exp rates in private servers?Even if Nexon wins the case (if there is), people who play private servers wouldn't really want to play the original ones anymore, they'll feel bored having to train 100x slower then the privates to get the same characters?Nexon wouldn't really get back all of their players back to playing the original servers, even if they win the case and the private servers close down...

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Odinms Vs. Nexon


Replying to diiiii




The real maplestory sucks asses it takes to long and gms **** its boring not fun I hate it servers are fun nice gms goes faster(doesnt take year to get to 100) so GO odinMS I hope you guyz win or sumthing xP

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Nexon are just wasting there time sueing Odin, they may win, but what do they get other then some money? they won't get there players back so there is really no point imho-reply by Demon

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They just a useless man.. Ok.. Although (maybe)odin take nexon 's code to make private server, but the first company who borned maple was JAPAN..Japan nvr even sueing odinms anything..Nexon so extra ..Act noob...Play real ms is just wasting your time..Why play maple..Juz can experience the skill and get your characters look nice..Not like nexon, juz a gachapon, waste so much money.. I very pity the people who gachaponed a power elixier or pet scroll..Nexon is cheating children's money.And ruined studen's study..If the children can juz play the skill.. Ya. You are right..Maybe they still will play very long..But they wont use much $$ to buy the cashcard..Do you all know? some children got family problem.. But the children still wan to play maple..They don't eat their lunch..And save money just for a cashcard..Ya..Maybe is not nexon's problem..But nexon wont think that is cheating children's money?? if they can set the exp x10..Also enough..But they just don't want...AND I WANT TO SAY THIS.. HOW ODIN GET THE CODESOURCE? IS there any mistake then let odinms ACCIDENTALLY SEEN THE SOURCE AND TOOK IT.. OR I MAYBE CAN SAY NExon got spy who given out the code? that's not impossible ..Do you know that? I don't think odinms got superman's talent and stolen nexon's code...SO don't BE A FOOL AND LET OTHER MAPLER LAUGH AT you(MAPLE NEXON).. SRY FOR BAD ENGLISH-reply by Mapler

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Well ok, little does Nexon know that they can't sew Emus:PThough quoting about Private servers being more fun. THAT is wrong to ALOT of people. For one private servers arnt challeneging, thats why alot of people don't play them. Most gamers want a challenge, and they go to Maple Story for that. The people that cry because they can't level in Maple Story go to Private servers, to feel xped, yet they really arnt. I mean just look at the community of Private Servers, to the real thing? Plus people want a community, they don't want a community thats only but a few, with GMs that are 10-17 years old. They want XPed people!Also quoting on iGuests comment, I have know idea what your talking about, there are almost NO hackers, and if there is, they get banned right away.So overall, people don't like Private servers, INCLUDING gamers, gamers want a challenge, not an easy way to get to the top and then say "er now what? Ive gone as High as I can go!... Darn" and you quit.-reply by Harry

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To the post above me correction but Maple was first released and Made in korea, your post is biased and has some wrong information, but I do agree with alot of you Nexon does suck they release games but if you ever try to get help from their customer service it's all horrible and most of the time ran by computers not by people and you won't get any answers that you are looking for thus why Private servers were born, it gives people the freedom and the ability to play the game they want to play instead of buying cash points to look nice and buy cash items you can do that easily with a private server, but that could be a reason why nexon doesn't want private servers because cash items require money to get and whilst you get it for free in private servers it really isn't much of a problem since private servers don't profit off of cash items, but about children playing maple and and using their lunch money to buy cash cards and destroying their grades sure there are some cases but not everyone is like that, if its children that are playing they can be easily controlled and disciplined by the parents if they are smart enough and attempt to do it. as for the source code your completely wrong and way off target, if you did some researching and looked around maples source code is encrypted and takes time to decrypt it, and the ways they can do that is going through the wz files and taking packets of data there and implementing them into their own coding to make them work, another instance is packet sniffing where two comps are connected together through a packet sniffer both running maple and you can get packets by doing stuff in maple like skills for example when you execute a skill its sent over the network and coders can use those packets to code skills for private servers, so anything about stealing and stuff is not accurately correct though people may look at is as stealing since its the same skills that maple use, but coders have it harder and you should give credit to them for hard work. and yes your english is bad I hope you have enough sense to understand my post. Odin ftw I use to be a Mapler but they screwed me over and they just plainly suck end of story.

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HARRY YOUR WRONG! Private servers have rebirth system that allows you to become level 1 again and get a new job. When you rebirth your old skills get combined with your new job. For example: I'm a Hero, I got combo, brandish and etc. I get to lvl 200 and rebirth and become a paladin. That mixes the skills, ill have brandish and etc mixed with my paladins skills like holy charge, fire charge and etc. And plus you get to keep your stats so you can be alot stronger.If you never played private servers, don't talk.-reply by Guest

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Replying to iGuestNo offense, but your post was kinda stupid. I mean, there may be a few people in pservers but have you ever considered the other 100 servers? Heck, I see thousands of people playing private servers and gamers want to play a game that doesn't **** the life out of you and take an hour just to reach lvl 10. Yes, people like private servers and study a bit more so you can get your facts right. We do like challenge but we don't like chores that include lvling your char for a whole year just to get to lvl 70 or so. >.> Also, there are experience GMs that are even way better than regular MS GMs. -_-By the way, how is pservers not fun to a lot of people? Trust me, there are a LOT of people who favor them. Sheesh...-reply by Jenny

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As some of you may know, Nexon is the corporation that developed the popular MMORPG, Maplestory. OdinMS was the first Maplestory Private Server to emerge and began making their own source code for Maplestory. Soon, OdinMS released their source code to the public and Maplestory Private Servers were born. Now, Nexon is supposedly sueing OdinMS but the claims haven't been made clear yet. Here's a quote from OdinMS Developer 'Matze':

And here's an image of the bill that was sent to them. The claim is indeed real but the bill was sent by mistake and OdinMS wasn't forced to pay yet:

Posted Image

OdinMS wasn't the first MS private server.

I think TitanMS was.


They got sued cause they were the root of most private servers.

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Odinms Vs. Nexon


If OdinMS, or any other was actually reversed-engineered from the original, I simply don't see how stupid Nexon can actually win the case.


In fact, once this is over (which I don't think it will be soon ... *sigh*), I think it is time for OdinMS to sue Nexon for harrassment !



-reply by Marybelle

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This is indeed real and Odin prooved it. Odin is probably not going to come back. I wish that Nexon didn't have to do this. I bet that Nexon just thought that Odin was taking players away from the original Maplestory and they just want to make money. I mean, Maplestory didn't do this before... First, the cash shop, then the target card things, and then the MVS (maple trading system). I mean, Nexon just wants to make money. Well....I know it costs a lot to run an MMO but they shouldn't have more money making schemes. They don't need to include more cash items.

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