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After Killing A Rock Star A Us Marine Leaves The C

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One of the most popular rock stars in Romania was killed in an car accident a month ago by an US marine who was driving drunk. But now after the investigation has started US embassy sent the marine away in US before the investigation was concluded. There is a lot of frustation here toward US regarding this incident.

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One of the most popular rock stars in Romania was killed in an car accident a month ago by an US marine who was driving drunk. But now after the investigation has started US embassy sent the marine away in US before the investigation was concluded. There is a lot of frustation here toward US regarding this incident.


now..I have alot of respect for my country, but it kills me how this country tends not to care what kind of example we show to other countries. the marine should have been kept in romania and should have exepted what ever punishment was given, granted he was found guilty of course. it would have been the right thing to do. what is a marine doing driving drunk in the first place. the us has laws against such things. drunk driving kills, Its as simple as that. people should, and especially marines or any other service member should be able to represent there country in a light that is favorible rather then act like a roudy teenager on spring break.

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Blah...don't forget the guy that murdered Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell was an ex-Marine...what the heck is going on with them?! Now we've got Mr. Charles A. Graner and Ms. Lynndie England facing charges and military court and you just have to sit back and wonder...this is how the United States is displaying themselves overseas. It really is a shame...

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