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Debate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs More This time I dont debate, you do

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So I've done some nice debating and it's been nice. I've had multipe 5+ People ganging up on me thinking it will make a real difference, but after pages and pages of debating, it didn't go anywhere. Simply because they are afraid to look at it from the other angle, the other side, because they fear going to hell. It's their problem.


So I made this creative topic.

This thread is not ment for argueing and fighting. I want to see how you guys feel about each other's religion"


So muslims, christians, and anything else in between, you have your own religion right? Your own laws in your religion and other things you must strictly follow. Tell me what do you think about other religions?


Christians, what do you think about Muslims who don't believe / worship jesus?

Muslims, what do you think about Christians who don't pray 5 times a day to allah or anything else?

And other religions, what do you think about other's who don't follow your ways?


I mean somebody has to be wrong here right? There can't possibly be another God :( A god just as powerful as yours? An almighty, all-perfect, all-powerful, all-knowing God just like yours, making yours not superior? Making yours not the creator of EVERYTHING? Your God doesn't share now does it?


You may now begin. But remember, keep it clean, and rack up points :D

I will not be participating in this debate. I am just a spectator. Please, tell us how you feel

Support your religion, stand up and tell us how you feel

Edited by amirborna (see edit history)

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lol man why in the hell do you want us to debate over such an issue? there's no point of it anyway... there isn't no conflict between religions as they all lead to God. The difference is that mono-theistic heavenly religion lead to the same God while other religions lead to some other God(s). Now personally I reject any religion that doesn't lead to the God I believe in as there aren't any proofs of their existence while the God I believe in have alot of proofs that lead to Him (for example, the Qur'an, the prophets, the universe itself... etc). Moreover, believing in several Gods is somehow illogical because there can't be more than one God, because if that were the case then their "will" might contradict and therefore reflect on us (the creatures and the universe as well).Now the difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muslims do not believe in Trinity and they believe that Jesus is merely a respected prophet just like prophet Mohammed, and not the son of God. This belief comes from a verse in the Qur'an called "Al-Tawheed" (believing in ONE) where God says that He is only one, He was never born and never had any sons, and there isn't anyone that could compete with Him.... So anyway, that's basically the main difference between Islam and Christianity (there other differences as well too) although there are Christians who do not believe that Jesus is the son of God and do not believe in Trinity. But whatever the differences are, Muslims still believe in Christianity and Judaism as well and you cannot be a Muslim unless you are a Jew and a Christian first (meaning that you need to believe in ALL heavenly religions). Now concerning Christianity and Judaism, the main difference is that Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah they're waiting for to be their savior while Christians do believe that he is the one. Christians believe that Jews were responsible for the crossification (sp?) of Jesus, but on the other hand Muslims do not believe that Jesus was crossified and instead he was raised to heaven by God and he's yet to come and save all humans from evil along with "Imam Al Mahdi"... And just to note, Jesus was a Jew and lived his whole life as a Jew, thus no Christian can not believe in Judaism. In conclusion, I cannot say this religion is right and that is not. I believe in all mono-theistic heavenly religions and I consider them to be 3 parts of the same heavenly message - they are complimentary.

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I don't want to have religion lessons, I want you to tell me :Christians say if you don't believe in Jesus your going to hell. What about the other 50%+ of the world?They were created to go to hell? Or is our *Purpose* of living here to believe in JesusAKA they were born in a family, that believed in another religion just like your family practices christianity, and just like your family is heavly religious and gets mad at you ect, their family gets mad at them ectAKAThey were born on a side of the world, that demographically, do not believe in christianity, nor do their parents. So they have to betray their parents and their teachings, and flee and learn christianity, though they never heard of it before.100%

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  Striker9 said:

Muslims still believe in Christianity and Judaism as well and you cannot be a Muslim unless you are a Jew and a Christian first (meaning that you need to believe in ALL heavenly religions).

I don't agree with this. About Christianity, Muslims believe only Jesus is a prophet. About Jew, Muslims believe only Moses is a prophet too. To be a Muslim there is no need to be a Christian or a Jew. In fact everyone is born as a Muslim.Even the parents are Christian or Jew or Atheist, the children are born as Muslim. When he reaches an age of making his own choices,
He or She selects to continue to be Muslim or select Christianity or Jew or Atheism.

In Islam: All children are born as Muslim. When he or she dies when he is child, he/she goes directly to the heaven.
In Christianity: Everyone is born as a sinner. And priest baptism the child.

This is the difference.

Towards Amirborna;
We Muslims believe in all prophets.
Edited by Erdemir (see edit history)

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  amirborna said:

I don't want to have religion lessons, I want you to tell me :
Christians say if you don't believe in Jesus your going to hell. What about the other 50%+ of the world?
They were created to go to hell? Or is our *Purpose* of living here to believe in Jesus

AKA they were born in a family, that believed in another religion just like your family practices christianity, and just like your family is heavly religious and gets mad at you ect, their family gets mad at them ect


They were born on a side of the world, that demographically, do not believe in christianity, nor do their parents. So they have to betray their parents and their teachings, and flee and learn christianity, though they never heard of it before.


What I know is that you do not go to hell just for not believing in Jesus... I am Muslim and I know that Christians believe in Trinity which is according to my beliefs very wrong but that doesn't mean that all Christians are going to hell... Well at least they do believe in God, and starting with that, they'll be judged according to what they did in their lives whether it's good or bad and then they'll be punished or rewarded accordingly. Also, even if you're Muslim, that doesn't qualify you to go to heaven just like that, you need to be a good person in order to acquire your ticket to heaven if I can say so. Believing in God is just the basic belief you need to have, and then your work/words/decisions decide your fate.

Now concerning a person who was born somewhere on this planet where he never heard of Christianity or Islam or whatever... do you really think it's fair that God would send him to hell for not believing in Him and following His message? Well obviously it's NOT fair and that's why God wouldn't send this person to hell and He would judge this person according to what he did in his/her life whether he/she was good or bad (being good or bad is a matter of social values). BUT, if this person who was born in a place where he/she never heard of God someday traveled and learned about God and religions, then this person has no "excuse" anymore and he/she has to search for truth and believe in God eventually... otherwise there's a big chance that he/she might be punished by going to hell. Now, God is forgiving and we all know that, but He does not tolerate some mistakes including not believing in Him after you learned about Him or just like in your case, if you used to believe in God and you were a Muslim and then converted to become an atheist; God wouldn't forgive you unless you believe in Him again, and once you believe and repent, all your other sins will be forgiven because you were misguided at that period and then you found the right path again.

Is there anything else you would like to know?


I don't agree with this. About Christianity Muslims believe only Jesus is a prophet. About Jew Muslims believe only Moses is a prophet also. To be a Muslim there is no need to be a Christian or a Jew. In fact everyone born as a Muslim.Even the parents are Christian or Jew or Atheist, the children born as Muslim. When he reaches an age of making his own choices,
He or She selects to continue to be Muslim or select Christianity or Jew or Atheism.

In Islam: All children born as Muslim. When he or she dies when he is child, he/she goes directly to the heaven.
In Christianity: Everyone born as a sinner. And priest baptism the child.

This is the difference.

What I meant was simply that I, as a Muslim, believe in Christianity and Judaism as heavenly religions as well. And I do believe in the Bible and the Torah but that doesn't necessarily mean that I need to practice Christianity and/or Judaism. I am still a Muslim and I only practice Islam.
And yeah, what you mentioned about the difference between Islam and Christianity is also one of the major differences. In Islam, all people are born sinless while in Christianity all people are born as sinners but Jesus saved them when he was crossified... I do not want to get into a debate on what beliefs are right or wrong now... at least we, monotheists, believe in the same one God and that's the most important thing....

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  Striker9 said:

What I meant was simply that I, as a Muslim, believe in Christianity and Judaism as heavenly religions as well. And I do believe in the Bible and the Torah but that doesn't necessarily mean that I need to practice Christianity and/or Judaism. I am still a Muslim and I only practice Islam.And yeah, what you mentioned about the difference between Islam and Christianity is also one of the major differences. In Islam, all people are born sinless while in Christianity all people are born as sinners but Jesus saved them when he was crossified... I do not want to get into a debate on what beliefs are right or wrong now... at least we, monotheists, believe in the same one God and that's the most important thing....

Sorry I didn't understand before. But I understand what you mean now. Keep going...

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Christians believe in Trinity which is wrong against your religion, but it's right because of their status as "Christian" ?What else is right, that you can't do, but they can't?Where in the bible/koran/wtf does it say that "This religion can do this, while you can't"What are these people getting special favor over you now? Do they have a higher Divine Quo?

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The main reason why i haven't engaged this topic, as i mentioned in another thread, is mostly because you're asking for trouble with this topic. This is not something i find as productive.


  amirborna said:

I will not be participating in this debate. I am just a spectator. Please, tell us how you feel

Support your religion, stand up and tell us how you feel

  amirborna said:

Where in the bible/koran/wtf does it say that "This religion can do this, while you can't"

What are these people getting special favor over you now? Do they have a higher Divine Quo?

Spectating not for you? Regardless, refrain from mentioning things that are said in order to cause trouble. Consider this a verbal warning.

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I'm not ENGAGING in your arguement as in siding with anybody, just a spectator. Hey I got curious :DWhy are you not participating here? Because you know, YOU KNOW, that all arguements of Religion leads to war. Many wars in the past were because of religion. Fightning for what you believe in, for your God, for your prophet.Now you know, that people who discuss their religion will start argueing, because they won't look at it from the other side.But hey, these people are religious,t hey go by the word of GOd, and I'm sure they won't sinLet them continue

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the reason most people can't, don't and won't believe in christianity is because of all this hipocrite stuff. They say taht us as christians are hypocrites because we say to do stuff thats right but we go and sin.... i say that is right among a lot of us, but thats no way to go against a different religion.Tell me if im wrong or stupid for saying this, but does anyone live a perfect life?I can say that jesus was the only one, but only becuase i believe in the bible. I would be a hypocrite to say that i believe in the bible but dont TRY to live by it.I can say that my religion, christianity, is what im all up for because i havent found any evidence against it. I have found the same arguments and evidence for creationism, darwinism and all that jazz, but with christianity, there is a god. and until i have proof that there is no god, then i will go with creationism cause thats the second one that cant really be disproved if god was out of the picture.I'm not saying that other religions are wrong... causei havent studied them enough and im sure if my life was different and found one of the other religions like i did Christianity, i may be defending that one, but i cant say its stupid for that. What i can say is that i stay strong behind my faith because of the testimonies and relationships i have witnessed with my god.yes jesus was a jew because he was their savior. If jesus was not a jew, most christians would be jewish lol.....I would have to completely disagree with striker on one thing. Nobody is born a muslim...Nobody is born any religion... they are just born.If people were born muslims, dead babies would go where dead muslims go... so there for nobody is born any religion.i will come back later and write some more... any questions?

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lol... yea, god gave us a choice. Either believe in him or dont believe in him...I will say that in the christian religion, those who die without knowing about jesus christ are not going to go to hell for living a sinful life. We all know that the only way to get to heaven is by admitting your a sinner and accepting jesus as your savior. No other religion has heaven or hell.... except the jews.The ones that die without knowing about jesus will go to be with god.... like babies.... God doesnt punish people if they dont know about it....This is kinda really long to explain so dont take everything exactly how i say it now.... i can write a book on this lol...anyways... wouldnt it be wrong for an all powerful and all loving god to say, you are going to be born under my religion that i have set up for people to believe! that defeats the purpose of FREE WILL.If god really wanted the things he wanted without caring for our free will, all the problems in the world that we complain about would be gone and there would be no humans on earth because of how imperfect we are and god would fill it with some other perfect creatures!If you had a kid, would you say my baby is a christian? My baby believes that he is a sinner and that jesus came to save us from that....how about buddhist.My baby believes that life is seeking your inner peace and thats where you get enlightenmentlol... its like saying... my baby is an alumni at OR NOT university.

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Ah, so we are created in the image of God.


God created us sinning creatures, knowing we sin. Knowing we will always sin


Then God sacrificed his son for no reason. He created us, knowing we will sin, and knowing that his son will die because of us sinning creatures.


Oh and Jesus cannot be mortal / immortal at the same time. You can't have an immortal God that dies.


This isn't a video game. You don't chose when you are alive and when you are dead.


Jesus isn't all-perfect then either.


It's just freaking REDICULOUS how stupid you guys sound


You repeat the same *BLEEP* they teach you at church without giving it a second thought. You say things without actually knowing what you are saying


One sentence you say believe in Jesus or go to hell. One sentence you say it's your this to believe in Jesus. next sentence say God is an all-loving father who won't send you to hell if you don't beleive or find out in jesus


Oh and Islam also has Heaven + Hell buddy



Hey bro, give this a thought


Why would God give us the power to inflict pain, kill, murder, and all of that. Why not prevent it in the first place?


Before you sit there and try to spit out some *BLEEP* excuse the first second you read this,





Hey father God, why would you allow such bad things in the world to happen. Why not prevent it in the first place?




This is the EXACT same thing as this :


A mother gives her child a gun.

Hey son, you have a Gun, you have free will. I will give you the power to hold the gun and do as you wish, but be careful


The son accidently shoots and kills someone


The son goes to jail




This isn't a video game for God. He doesn't need us or anything else to live. he doesn't have to pay favors for people, or anything like that. To think our existance is even necessary is retarted



We are created in the image of God? Come on now, some people say "it's metaphorical"


Get over yourself peopel

Whatever makes no sense in the bible, is now metaphoricle? What does the bible state as fact, and how do you know it?


If our anatomy is that of God, lets say our body structure, then God is an IMPERFECT BEING my friends.


we are out of our element in most of the earts places


Sharks > Us in water

lions > us in land


chimps/apes > us in forest / trees


Only thing we have is our brain


And to think we are the image of God, that's pathetic.


I find it sad, that no matter how much I say, or anybody else says, you guys won't look at it from the other side.


Christians say muslims are wrong

Muslims say Christians think different


Muslims vs Christians in history many times


Who are you fighting for idiots? You don't have to PROVE your God.

Christians, fighting for Jesus? Why can't you just say OK, you go to hell, I am not fighting, but no, LETS FIGHT FOR OUR GOD!!!


You don't think God created those people too? Sad.

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actually, god created us in his image NOT AS SINNERS... if god was a sinner, he wouldnt be god so whats the point... your just putting YOUR OWN IDEAS AND WORDS INTO THIS... and thats why people have such a hard time believing.its not that im not looking at it from a different point... its your not looking at it from our points.I was in your situation until i looked at it from a different point..this all goes into a circle and it doesnt change anyone unless they want to be changed by it.... thats life and it goes with everything!im not saying your dumb or ignorant because of it, cause that would make me the ignorant one too, but everyone has their own opinions and ideas about it too....some may say this.....there are 4 blind people and 1 elephant.... 1 touches the leg and says its a tree trunk,another touches the body and says its a rock.yet another one touches another part and says something else and so on! ANd then theres 1 guy that can see and says, no your all touching an elephant.Maybe all the religions are god and we think its something different cause we are BLIND, but we wont know until after our death.so theres always something to argue about.... im not trying to convert you or anything but your whole idea is...????religions are different? im not really sure....

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yea there are different religions.... and both have their ideas and all that stuff but life isnt all that simple....


first, what do you believe, and if you are an atheist, then how are you going to back it up?

sure, you can just push me off and not explain everything, but that proves my point that you can't disprove me and asking this question does nothing but cause a fun debate lol.



if you can back it up, then good job! you are fighting for your belief the same way i fight for mine.


if you have another religion, than its not just christianity or muslims you have to fight against, but try asking a wiccan to debate with.


If you are just saying that we all have our differences and we should learn to get along, then you have just passed Love 101 in the bible.



yes we are all different and have our opinions, but its not about that..


think about it... you cant just sit back and say just be good to eachother with your opinions and not have an opinion of your own.. ie


abortion or not.... everyone who learns and grows up about it has to have an opinion... either yes or no.... if someone says "no... but if a certain situation arised, then yes", then that counts as a yes!


no with that, i say no abortion, but someone might say yes...


if someone asked me about it i would defent it, but you cant tell me to shut my mouth...

you also cant say, both of you are wrong and you should think about it at all.... because we have to pick one!

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