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Exercising Combined With Therapy Knee playing up constantly

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For over a year now I have been having on and off problems with my left knee.I suffer from pains which move around the knee (it seems to jump to different areas), and I especially have problems when going up or down stairs.Most of the time, whenever I move or take a step, the knee clicks, but there has been no locking of the knee joint.I have seen the doctor on several occasions, but all he has done is give me some anti inflammatory gel, which eased things a little bit temporarily, and then, some months ago, he sent me to have an X-Ray.The X-Ray revealed nothing, nothing loose, no foreign objects, nothing torn inside...The doctor then decided to refer me for physiotherapy.When I went the therapist did some assessments and decided I did not need regular therapy, but instead, I have to massage the knee for 3 minutes twice a day, and after the massage apply an ice pack for 2 minutes. This does not seem to make a lot of difference.Apparently, the injury only comes fom the ligaments, which, according to the therapist, takes months to heal (but it has been going on for years, more like).My sister, who has had both her knee joints replaced, and as a result of it cannot walk properly anymore, or has trouble getting into her shower and has lost all flexibility in her knees now, told me that her X-Rays revealed nothing either, they only saw the damage when they put her under the scanner.The doctor said (and I tend to agree with him there) he would rather not go down the road of surgery, given my age (I became 50 last week :D ), and my condition (I am diabetic).So, I would rather avoid having surgery, especially when I see what my sister is going through.But the thing is, the problem still needs to be solved.I am a karatefanatic, but because of the injury I have not been able to have any training for months now, with the result I am beginning to put weight on, which is obviously not doing the injury any good, as our knees have to carry your bodyweight.The therapist (whose father is a karate instructor) has told me I can start doing some light training (some karate moves do put a lot of pressure on the knee), like doing the warm up, and taking part in some of the exercises that do not put too much strain on the knee, and further, I have to continue with the massage and ice pack therapy, and after training, I have to stretch and apply heat to the knee.First of all, can anyone advise some stretching exercises that would benefit the knee (the therapist ws not very specific on that), and second ly, is there anyone who recognises some or all of my problem, or maybe has had something similar and who could exchange ideas with me?The thing is, I obviously want to get rid of the problem and start to live a life free of pain, I want to go back to my karate (which has become a way of life for me), doing my exercise again will stop me gainig weight, and also help me lose it (being overweight does not do my diabetes any good).I know, I have come into a bit of a vcious circle, haven't I?But I would love to hear from anyone who has had similar problems, or who can offer solutions, as the medics have not been very helpful to me, basically, all I want is to start living a normal life again, preferably without having any operations.Any help and/or advice will be very gratefully accepted.

Edited by mrdee (see edit history)

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