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Mmorpgs Earn Money Now..

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Many people do not know that online games or MMRPGs can be used to make some generous amounts of money. Games like Runescape, Neopets, There, or any game with its own currency is a main target of "Real Life Trading." Runescape is combating this occurrence by removing "unbalanced" trades. But, many other similar sites can still be used for "real life trading." In Runescape, the currency "gp" can be sold 1 million pieces at a time, for 5$ USD.Another example is from conquer online.There one db can be sold for 4$ and yes a db can be found while hunting or could be bought through 40 million gold in the game.

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Yeah, but you don't understand the amount of competition for these MMO's. For example, I have 500m on Runescape, and now measures have been put in place so real-life trading like this doesn't happen. Let me explain the situation:Before, there would be thousands of autoers in Free worlds cutting trees. In reality, these autoers are really just chinese sweatshop workers playing like 5 accounts at once. There would be entire villages of these Runescape workers to collect logs and ores online. They would then sell these goods on the forums, and sell the gp for real life cash.Jagex caught onto this however, but in reaction they cancelled the trading system as a whole. They limited it to such an extent that you can only trade a super small fraction of you could trade before and its still easy to real world trade these days.In total: You CAN make money with MMO's but the payout is very slow, you have too much competition, and your accounts will get banned if caught.

Edited by Reekun (see edit history)

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I agree with Reekun. The time and effort you spend "farming" for a mmorpgs currency is very time consuming and probably not worth the effort unless you have a bot. And if you have a bot, you run the risk of your account getting banned. I played World of Warcraft for a couple months, and if you do a search for world of warcraft, you will find unlimited links to WoW gold. There is way too much competition. I've seen where you can get 1,000 gold for like $5. That's not even worth it. Best case scenario for me to farm that much would take like 4 hours. Thats $1.25/hr. Not to mention you still run the risk of getting banned for selling it! No thanks, i'll stick to my day job :D

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Some games do not ban real world trading. I believe this one game encourages it. It is a slow process, and risky. I would just use some other less risky and faster way to earn money online.

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Some games do not ban real world trading. I believe this one game encourages it. It is a slow process, and risky. I would just use some other less risky and faster way to earn money online.

Some games don't, but most the ones he listed do. :D

Games like Neopets and Runescape really arn't worth it. 90% of the time when you buy it from someone who says that they where made "legit" are lieing to get an extra 2 bucks or so. Which makes it easier to get both accounts banned.

Also, selling a company's intellectual property is an illegal offense in most countries and can land you a pretty hefty lawsuit, all though they don't typically go after the small fish.

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