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Will Software Development Be Easy One Day ? as in the case of website development ?

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hey in todays world building a website is not a big deal , i guess there are so many ways to do that . Moreovernowdays there are other softwares that ennable you to buld a website. Those were the days when a website can bebuilt only by peole who can do some codings , that is one must be knowing some mark up languages like HTML etc,inorder to create a website , Gone are those good old days , now even a person who does not even know what is HTML too can createa website of his/her own , the revolution in website creation is that the Macromedia which is now Adobes Dreamweaverthis ennables you to create website in so many diffrent markup languages that are there inorder to create websites.Now lets look ahead , in the field of website creation without knowing the actual language technology has provided roomto create websited , will this be the same in the case of writing a software too? in todays world inorder to create anapplication one must leatn the programming languages like C ,C++,Java ,C# etc. on order to have a good grip and inorder tocreate a softwate or an application.As in the case of website creation will a day come where one can create software and other application without knowing the COding languages????

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I doubt it lol. Sure there are things like WYSIWYG editors but the code they produce is nothing compared to a professional coder can do. Understanding the correct usage and ways to do things with HTML and all the other languages to do with websites is something thats not easy to automate. Its been what over 10 years since the web really blew up but still there is always new standards and technology coming out. There is no one out there with the resource to create a good WYSIWYG editor the best we have is dreamweaver and it is a joke haha. I just don't think its possible even if one did come out I'm sure new standards and technology would make it useless within a short time. We can all dream I guess.

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To some extent - yes. With things like Adobe AIR. Basically you use flex (think of it as an advanced scripting tool for building flash applications) and it can run the flash application as a proper application, a lot like java. At least, that's how I understand it.Essentially - NO. There's far more standards , due to a far bigger increase in compatibility. Web Design is only "easy" because everyone sticks to two-three standards (or is meant to. I'm looking at you I.E.). Consider php - the "new line" is \r\n, \n, or \r depending on which OS the application is hosted on. And that's an easy "problem" to fix, let alone having to deal with memory management, libraries for sound, graphics, file formats, api's, etc.. It just goes on and on.Even worse - testing is a nightmare compared to us. We just open up IE6/IE7/Firefox/Opera/Safari, etc (You do check, right?) and see if the page displays right. Imagine trying on all sorts of hardware configurations, then compatibilities with other software. Also, you really need a team of coders these days to output anything useful in a desirable time frame due to the complexity of such programs - which brings its own problems of mixed languages, mixed styles of code, etc.I wish it was easy, but it isn't.As for your original statement of "hand coding" the pages. It's more alive then ever - why? WYSIWYG editors suck. They insert code everywhere, are slow. It's faster and easier to type my own code with my own hands and know what will happen. I *guarantee* you'll not find one professional who doesn't write everything by hand.

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