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Okara KAmi

Artistic? All my posts are rated artistic

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Why is it that so many of my posts are rated artistic? Every time I look at one of my posts after I post them, I see artistic and I don't think that someone read it and rated it before I loaded the page. Does this occur because a setting I might have changed?Does this come from an admin decision to scar me with a permanent rating XD ?It's not that I think it's a bad thing, I'm just curious about the mechanics behind it. Thanks.

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You've only ever been rated Artistic once. If you are referring to the little logo next to your username, that does not apply for each post. That refers to you as a member. It takes all the ratings you have been given and averages out which rating most fits you. As you have only been rated once, and that was Artistic, you get the Artistic logo.Each post's rating can be found by clicking the grey (list) link at the bottom of each post.

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Slight correction, it doesn't average the ratings out, but rather display's the rating that you have the most on. Although, if you have a lot of ratings and they are all the same number then I believe it is the last one you got rated on will be displayed.

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