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Various Resellers! ...I didnt really like them.

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Hiyah!Since this is only my second post, I didn't know what to really talk about, so I chose resellers. :DI have noticed, while trying to find a good host, is that there are many free hosts from Byet (a hosting company) who offer their services to the world. This always makes me frustrated when I look for a host, and see the Vista Panel. It's been 2 months or more, and Byet still hasn't fixed their Fantastico-like script installer. I never even got to try it. This makes it hard for me when I want to install a new script onto a website that I've never used before.Another thing is because I find it really slow, and their file manager isn't all that great compared to ones I've used before. There are plenty of other reasons I don't use it. Like for one, I tried to set up a Wordpress blog on it. After uploading the .ZIP folder of the most recent version, it would take me a VERY long time to get it set up. And then, I would try to install it, and it wouldn't work. Don't worry, I used MySQL, and went into the files to do everything, so I know I had no error there, since I've set up Wordpress tons of times before. It just won't work. It says there's some sort of fatal error everytime. I don't know if it's just me, or the host, but I'm willing to think it's the host. When I go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to find a new webhost after the last one disappointed me, I always run into these reseller sites. Over, and over again...I guess I'm writing this post asking everybody to please post any of these reseller websites on this thread so that I (or maybe you!) can stop running into them!! I've lost track of all the ones I found, so I can't send in a link myself (sorreh!!). I never really bookmarked them.If you do post one in here, and found it worked perfectly fine for you, please say so!Thanks!--Kadee

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This probably is not proper forum to place such kin dof topic since there are several other topics and posts regarding free hosting in freeby forum and this should be placed there.

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