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I Need Help Transferring Sql Database?

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ok so i am trying to transfer mediawiki's but i am having trouble with exporting importing the database.

I am using phpmyadmin on both sides of the hosts. When i do the import i get this.

SQL query:
-- Database: `apolopedia`
CREATE DATABASE `apolopedia` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1044 - Access denied for user 'jaenagle'@'localhost' to database 'apolopedia'

I tried to give my user all rights, but it gave me this also.

SQL query:

MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'jjaenagle'@'%' (using password: YES)

Do you guys have any advice?

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It appears you do not have the right privileges. If you have no control of setting it i.e your using MYSQL on a remote host you have little or no control over then you cant do much about it.

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can i contact the admins and see if they can grant me privileges? what do i need to do?im very new to this. i have asked the same question in their forum so hopefully, someone can help me out.

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The database user name is always prefixed with your cpanel name and an underscore. example: my Cpanel name is jimbo and it causes the db_username to have a prefix of jimbo_ (with the underscore).In the configuration file for the script being installed, or in an SQL command like above, I would use the db user-name of jimbo_username to access the DB where username is the user for that db.. You appear to be missing either the prefix or the username in the above example you quote.

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