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Increase Your Minimum Framerate!

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1. Enable the level of quality or whichever option lets you change the level of detail on all sliders, and set all sliders to low.
2. At the bottom, every option that says "disabling/enabling this option may increase/decrease framerates," pick the respective option.

3. Decrease your resolution as much as you're comfortable with.

4. Change your multisampling to 1x or 2x, and your color depth to 16-bit. If 1x or 2x result in choppy textures (lots of rough edges), bring it up to 3x or 4x, but they'll be slower. Trilinear filtering -especially- should be turned off.

If you apply all these changes, your FPS should increase significantly, but if it's still not enough, you can turn down the quality of your models ridiculously by going to your video options (Right click desktop -> properties -> settings -> advanced, your video card options). In there will be performance/quality settings, and if you uncheck "Application-controlled" for both anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing and set them to Off, along with setting image rendering to high performance, you'll drastically reduce the quality of your models while improving performance. However, the difference is pretty huge (yeah, wow'll look like crap), but it might speed it up a bit.

And if all that doesn't work well enough, consider defragmenting/scandisking your hard drive. That might help too.

Source: https://answers.yahoo.com/

Very interesting answer from yahoo answers, I've been using this technique myself. I hope it can help out any of you guys.

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Also, alot of games will have some sort of external autoconfig file allowed for the game. It's a bit different for every game, so you'll have to do some googling to find out how to do it for each game. You should be able to find what commands to put in the file to turn down the graphics quality but make the game playable.

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