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Hello And Good Morning Just another newbie.

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Hi there, name's Jem and I'm a newbie to the forum. I found this site as I was looking around for a nice hosting site that was free, and found this place and decided to join after I read nothing but wonderful reviews about it. I'm a big fan of music, movies (especially horror), and video games. I also enjoy writing, it's something that has helped me out just like music has. I'm sorry if my writing is off (which I'm sure it is), I'm low on sleep but high on energy drinks.

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Well energy drinks works pretty good if you are sleepy.


Hi Jem, and welcome to Xisto. Nice to meet you.

The first thing I always recommend new users to, is to read the wonderful and very helpful thingy that contains a lot of information, the Xisto rules and other neat stuff; also known as the Xisto README.


You have come to the right place. The hosting is awesome, and loved by so many. Some might find it stressful to "always" make posts in the forum in order to keep your site up and running, but it is actually quite easy. The great thing is that you do not need to post everyday, you can post whenever you want. But remember to keep your credits at a decent level, (I would say over 10.) in case something unforeseen happens.


You get credits by posting good, quality posts and one of our many forums. The amount of credits you receive no NOT depends on how many posts you make. Is not that sweet? One-liners are considered as spam, and will therefore probably be deleted. But do not worry, posting is easy and quick.


If you have any more questions you can take a look in that Xisto README as I suggested, ask me or one of the many other helpful members here.


Good luck, and best wishes. :lol: I guess I will see you around.

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Mich in Michigan, USA says Hello Jem aka:OhMyTime Posted Image and welcomes you to Trap 17.


I seem to be following Bluebear. What is there left for me to say about Trap 17. She has said it all. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17. That is if you still need to.


People here are friendly and helpful. The forum is eclectic (made up of what seems best of varied sources). You should have a nice experience here. Hope you get your hosting real soon. Just keep up the quality posts and you should have it in not time at all. :D

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