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Gamma Servers' Problem This topic is for all who have their account on Gamma Server ha

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Okay I see a lot of chaos all around and my site zoebelkin.co.cc is still down. Everything including FTP, CPanel etc are down. My site is on the gamma server. I see that all the servers are moved around a lot and the IP blocks also changing. So what is the new IP set for 'gamma'. When doing a reverse check on gamma I see it is still assigned to it's previous IP but when I'm trying to access the previous IP's port 80 then I get a Server not found error. Also the gamma.xisto.com name for the server fails to open the default Apache page which it used to give. So could any one tell me if the IP of gamma has either changed or not. I want the IP cause my domain is based on Zone Records & I need the IP for my A record.Please reply soon. Any one help me please! I'm desperate top solve the prob:: Also you can post your troubles here about gamma server!

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There are other Topics explaining the going ons re: the Server Migration.Topic Closed.

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