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Isync On Tiger To Work With A Samsung D520

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Hey out there!Does anyone know where i can get either an isync plugin or a program (for mac os tiger) that will let me sync contacts with a samsung d520 via bluetooth? Preferably free or shareware. Im 17 and don't have a credit card :lol:

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Bad news. Unfortunately it looks like there is nothing free on version tracker. The only thing i was able to find was this, but it looks like you'll need leopard for it to work with your particular phone. There may be ways of getting it to work without iSync however. Were you able to successfully sync your phone through system preferences? If you are, I believe you can manually sync through the bluetooth menu using send file. Let me know how this goes.

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it didn't end up transferring them. well it did, but i just couldn't read them on the phone (?) never mind, I've moved on to a new phone... its older and more sturdier

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