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Barack Obama, Baby Killer? Article about Obamas support for Partial Birth Abortion

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Senator Obama is alluding to an important point: equal protection laws would make abortion a capital offense punishable by death.This is something that you and your ilk consistently overlook. The only way to 'protect' the 'unborn' is to call them 'human', but killing a human means life imprisonment or the death penalty. You probably think that a lesser penalty (punishment) could be agreed upon, but that would be unconstitutional. The unborn would have the same rights as the born. To create a lesser punishment for abortion is to declare the unborn to be second class citizens with lesser rights than the born. The only way to ban abortion is to put the mothers on death row, and to imprison the fathers and family members who went along with it.

The senator points out that a bill guiding the care of 'aborted survivors' could have been worked out, but the conservatives opposed compromise. The senator had a problem with something else in the bill, not the idea of helping the babies survive in and of itself, but you choose to keep that a secret from us.

It's very sweet of you to care so much about embryos, but it might be wise to consider the consequences of your beliefs.

Once we declare fetuses and embryos to be human beings, we'll be filling our prisons with young girls who had abortions. A million women on death row is unacceptable.

You missed my key point about Obama... it's NOT A MATTER OF THE UNBORN. Let me say this again. Senator Barack Obama supported a practice where children who survive late-term abortions, in other words are ALREADY BORN, can be left to starve to death in soiled hospital rooms. Nor was this a one-time thing. Obama has consistently opposed numerous partial-birth abortion bills and opposed 2 different versions of this bill.

That was my major point. It's one thing to defend the killing of UNBORN children... but it's a whole different story to defend the killing of newly BORN children, which is what Obama did, and what you are doing right now in defending him!

Obama has falsely claimed in the past when questioned on this topic that he opposed the Illinois bill because it lacked the wording of the federal bill stating such an act would not encroach on the ruling of Roe v. Wade. However, what he failed to mention is that Senator Richard Winkel sponsored an amendment to make that bill WORD FOR WORD identical to the federal bill, and Obama, who chaired the Health and Human Services Committee, deliberately killed that amendment in his committee. Talk about hypocrisy.

When a person's actions kill newly born children like this, then yes, they SHOULD be severely punished. What's wrong with that? I never said I support the death penalty. I do not support it. I think it is hypocritical for either a liberal like Obama or a conservative like George Bush to support abortion and oppose the death penalty, or vice versa. And of course, we're not even putting the right people on death row to begin with, as all those pardoned by DNA evidence can attest.

You ought to read my original post better, because you seem to have missed all my major points.

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Baby Killer

Barack Obama, Baby Killer?


Your sick to say people should be able to abort their babies if they want and anyone who thinks this way will probably go to hell unless they truely repent. You make me sick.


-reply by Rimanijo

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its called freedomBarack Obama, Baby Killer?

Good if I shall go to hell for saying abortion is alright than so be it. But I recall reading in the bible all I need to do is ask forgiveness and I will be forgiven. So I wont go to hell WOOHOO. You have no right to choose what others are aloud to do with their selves nor should anyone else. Each individual should have the right to do what they please with their own body. If its inside me its part of me... Also if they take away abortion whats to say people wont start using more dagerous methods of getting rid of the baby. Punching their selves in the stumach, drinking lots of viniger, drinking lots of oil, taking overdose of pills, starving them selves. ETC. Why would you want that for people. If you really want people to do that over going to get an abortion than as someone else wanted to say about the other way around. " Your going to hell " LOL except that means nothing of weather your going to hell or heaven. I bet you all that say someone is going to hell because of that don't even believe in God. Get a life and leave others to their life... 



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