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Vitamin, An Important Nutrient History, source, importance etc.

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Vitamin is very well known nutrients to us. It required a little amount in our body but played a vital role. There are two types of vitamin, such as water soluble vitamin and fat soluble vitamin. Fat soluble vitamins are Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K; and water soluble vitamins are Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin C. All vitamins are not discovered together. In 1909 Vitamin A was isolated from cod liver oil. Another name of Vitamin A is retinol. Vitamin D was also isolated from cod liver oil, but 9 years after the discovery of Vitamin A. The discovery year of Vitamin D (another name calciferol) is 1918. Tocopherol or Vitamin E was isolated from wheat germ oil in 1922 and other fat soluble vitamin, phyllochinone or Vitamin K was isolated from luzerne in 1929.Incase of water soluble vitamins, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) was isolated from lemons in 1912. Another water soluble vitamin, Thiamin or Vitamin B1 was also discovered in the same year. Vitamin B1 was isolated from rice bran. The discovery year of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is 1920 and it was isolated from eggs. Vitamin B3 (niacin) was isolated from liver in 1936. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9 (folic acid) and Vitamin B12 (cobalamine) also isolated from liver in 1931, 1931, 1941 and 1926 respectively. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) was isolated from rice bran in 1934.Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin A are Night blindness, Keratomalacia, Pale, dry skin etc. There are also some symptoms to take excess Vitamin A, mainly they are Liver toxicity, Dry skin, Hair loss, Teratological effects, Osteoporosis (suspected, long-term) etc. Common sources of Vitamin A are Liver, fortified dairy products, darkly colored fruits, leafy vegetables etc. Diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin D are Rickets, Osteomalacia, and Osteoporosis etc. Common source of vitamin E are palm oil, sunflower, corn, soybean, and olive oil. Nuts, sunflower seeds, seabuckthorn berries, kiwi fruit, wheat germ, whole grains, fish, peanut butter, goats milk, and green leafy vegetables etc. Common source of Vitamin K is leafy green vegetables, mainly the dark green ones such as spinach and kale; Brassica, avocado, kiwifruit etc. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is found naturally in green peas, spinach, liver, beef, pork, navy beans, nuts, pinto beans, bananas, soybeans, goji berries, whole-grains, breads, yeast, vegemite, the aleurone layer of unpolished rice, legumes etc. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is found naturally in asparagus, bananas, okra, chard, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, meat, eggs, fish, marmite etc. Main source of Vitamin B3 are Liver, heart, kidney, chicken, beef, tuna fish, salmon fish, milk, eggs, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, dates, sweet potatoes, asparagus, avocados, nuts, whole grain products, yeast etc. Main sources of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) are whole grain and eggs and main sources of Vitamin B9 (folate) are spinach, turnip greens, lettuces, dried beans and peas, fortified cereal products, sunflower seeds etc. Vitamin B-12 is naturally found in foods of animal origin like liver, shellfish, milk products etc.

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Yes, you rite. Too much of a good thing is also bad. Excessive taking of vitamins may cause toxic symptoms. Generally it caused by high storage levels of vitamins. The common name of the condition is vitamin poisoning, or hypervitaminosis. There are different hypervitaminoses, such as Hypervitaminosis A, Hypervitaminosis D, Hypervitaminosis E etc.The effects of Hypervitaminosis A includes birth defects, liver problems, reduced bone mineral density that may result in osteoporosis, coarse bone growths, hair loss, excessive skin, dryness/peeling etc. Acute toxicity includes nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, and loss of muscular coordination. Vitamin D toxicity occurs if some one takes more than 100 times RDA (the recommended daily allowance) over a period of months. Acute toxicity overdoses ten thousand times the RDA. Main symptoms of vitamin D poisoning are dehydration, vomiting, anorexia (decreased appetite), irritability, constipation, fatigue etc.So do not take excess vitamins. Everything within the limit is good.

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