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Hillary Or Obama?

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Obviously this democratic nomination race is still going on. But should it be? It seems clear to me that Hillary has almost no chance of winning the nomination because even if she does win Pennsylvania, Obama will probably get enough districts to cancel out any delegates she wins. I live in PA and I am definitely voting for Barrack Obama. Who do you think will make a better president, and who do you think would more likely be able to defeat John McCain in the presidential race?

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I'm definitely an Obama supporter, and while I wouldn't mind if Hillary chose to drop out now, I don't think that she should have to. If the roles were reversed and Obama was behind, I'd want him to stay in the race. If she chooses to drop out than that is fine, but I don't think I agree with all of the people who are trying to convince her to drop out. It would probably be better if she dropped out, but it is fair for her to stay in for now.

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What's amusing to me is you seem to actually believe there's a wit of difference between those three. Rather disturbing, actually.

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I think Hillary still clearly has a chance. Obama may be winning in the number of states and delegates one, but Hillary has won most of the big, important states that a candidate needs to win to become president. With the delegates from Michigan and Florida counted, she would be in the lead. When the competition first began, Hillary was in the lead by a large double digit margin. It wasn't until Oprah stated that she support Obama that he began his upward trend. He talks about change, well, what change is he going to bring? Can anyone name an accomplishment he's made? Hillary has so many years of experience. She's been in the White House before and clearly nows how to do the job correctly. Hillary Clinton is a fighter and will not quit no matter how tough the rest of the road is. You can guarantee she'll be at the Democratic National Convention whether people want her to be there or not. As for a Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama ticket, I can't see that ever happening.

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What's amusing to me is you seem to actually believe there's a wit of difference between those three.
Rather disturbing, actually.

It's like choosing between different puppets, in the end, the master will still be in charge.

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What's amusing to me is you seem to actually believe there's a wit of difference between those three.
Rather disturbing, actually.

Of course there isn't a difference. Its just choosing the lesser of 3 evils.

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I wouldn't pick either of them. Nor would I pick the Presumed Republican candidate John McCain. None of them are offering anything in the form of change.Obama speaks of nothing but rhetoric that has attracted tons of people, but sadly, to a person of greater intelligence it is nothing of substance. He doesn't offer any solutions, and it's AMAZING that people will buy in to it. He also has a couple of skeletons in his closet.Hillary.....well, it's just absurd to think that ANYONE would vote for her considering her track record. Her involvement in Watergate is scary enough. But her recent telling of tall tales filled with lies only proves that she's the same thing we've been seeing in Washington. Lies, lies, and MORE lies.And John McCain.....oh McCain. It confuses me that this man could get the amount of votes that he has. He's very much a wolf in sheep's clothing. McCain embodies everything that the Neo-Conservative agenda seeks to obtain. He's a quasi-liberal and stands for nothing that a true conservative does, which is nothing that's been seen in the Bush administration. No small government, dwindling personal freedoms. These are things McCain will bring, as well as Obama AND Clinton.Face it, we've got nothing but CRAP to vote for this election cycle. People are too ignorant to know anything about ANYTHING. The two-party system is a sham.

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Hilary or Obama? These two remind me of childern fighting over there toys. I have been a Dem ever since I 1st started to vote. For the 1st time I think I will vote for a Rep, due to the way that Hilary and Obama have acted during the race. I have not seen as much mud slinging since I went to a monster truck race and it rained. ^_^

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Obama showed his real nature when he argued against the votes of those in Florida or Michigan counting, and then suggested that if they count that half of them should automatically be counted as his even though he'd be getting many votes that weren't cast for him. Personally, I dislike both Clinton and Obama, but I REALLY dislike Obama. I'm an Illinoisan who supported Alan Keyes in 2004 when he ran against Obama. Obama used the same mudslinging tactics he is now. People outside Illinois don't seem to realize what a snake this guy is. Obama isn't some moderate, he's the most pro-abortion candidate in America. The guy opposed a bill (he chose to vote present after arguing against it since he couldn't find support) that was voted in favor of 98-0, the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. It was meant to stop infanticide and the killing of children who survive abortions by leaving them to starve to death on hospital beds. The bill was passed in 2003 but not upheld in the courts until the past year thanks to continued resistance from Obama and his cohorts, which Obama warned would happen. Me, I'm not going to vote for Clinton or Obama because of their support for abortion, or for McCain because he supports the Iraq War. I'll go support some third-party candidate so I can have a clean conscience when this is all over. I don't like the "lesser of two evils" mindset.

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Face it, we've got nothing but CRAP to vote for this election cycle.

If only people would investigate for themselves and look at what others have to say, such as Ron Paul, but I know it's too much to ask.

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Obama cannot debate well at all, hence why he should not become president. It is not like he can decline a meeting with the President of Russia because he feels the Russian President might have the upper hand coming out of the discussion. That's not how the real world works. If he wants to be a good president, he needs to debate with Hillary. That way, people will see who they are actually voting for. Obama is declining opportunities to debate with Hillary because he believes they'll give her an advantage. Hillary, unlike Obama, takes risks. Obama is not good at debates and has made many mistakes in his speaches. If he wants to win, he needs to watch what he says carefully to avoid offending anyone. He promises things to the people, but can he really change anything. I believe Hillary is more electable and can make a difference!

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I am not a US Citizen and as such don't vote in US Elections (lol, I live in Australia. I'm not old enough to vote here either :lol: I wish voting was optional for people 15 to 18 years old so I could have a say too.But I think Barack Obama is a lot like Kevin Rudd. A whole HEAP of propoganda and people don't fully look at what they are voting for. Its like a novelty vote. Hillary Clinton is plain annoying and I would hate to have her as the leader of a powerful country of 300 million people only too happy to be nosy in other countries affairs. Bush is bad enough, but Clinton...? And I know nothing about John McCain has to say.

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Well, Hillary won in Indianna, but it was way to close for my liking. I'm feeling a win in West Virginia and Kentucky, but I think Obama will win Oregon.I hate how everyone thinks Obama should be the candidate just because he has more delegates. You have to think of the big picture -- who will do better against McCain, and according to the AP poll, Hillary is by far the best choice. I also find it irresponsible for the super delegates switching from Hillary to Obama because they think that will finally end the race. That's bad. You should be supporting the candidate you feel would make a better president not who will end the race sooner.

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