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Wouldn't It Be The Same Thing As Copying And Pasting From Another Website If We Copy Out Of A Religious Tract?

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I was reading some of these messages in this forum and I noticed that I had heard some of them before and when I thought about where I believe it was copied directly from a religious tract (little hand outs that Christians use to spread their faith)I know that if you copy/paste from a website it is against Xisto's rules but what about this? It is the same thing, plagiarism (tho technically they most likely have the rights to copy it in any way possible but it still is not their own writing)Please note I have nothing against Christians or the whole spreading your faith thing (as long as your not pushy or a jerk about it) But I am against bending rules that were put in place for a reason.

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Yeah, it's not limited to just websites, it includes all kinds of media. If you could report the posts you've found that are against the rules here with the sources they copied it from, we'll take care of the matter.

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Some things aren't copy righted, they make stuff for open source. But even changing text around from a copyrighted document is still plagarism. The owner went to great effort writing peices of stuff and then other people just blaitently change 3 words around and claim its theirs

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