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Mom Has Breast Cancer Can I get a little help?

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My mom finally saw a doctor for what turned out to be an advanced case of breast cancer a little over two weeks ago. They biopsied the main mass and the results indicate that the cancer is actively feeding off estrogen. My husband went looking online for a list of foods that are high in estrogen and found it and a list of foods that are low in estrogen. The problem I am facing is that the list he found is as long as my arm, has most of the foods she needs to alleviate her anemia issues, and is sorted alphebeticly instead of by concentration of estrogen. Does anyone know where to find on the internet a list of high estrogen foods that is sorted by estrogen concentration?

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Sorry to hear about your mother, as for finding a website that lists food for high concentration estrogen was a bit of a challange for my googling. I have find several websites that say soy has a high level of estrogen, and so I would assume anything containing soy could be a problem. Although the question is a bit vauge in trying to search for this, are you asking for what food have high estrogen so you can stay away from them, or you looking for foods that do have so they could be consume? THe reason I asked is that I came across this website that mentions that magnesium and vitamin B6 can help neutralize estrogen levels, and so I am assuming your trying yo find foods that can help reduce estrogen and be able to help the anemia as well. They mention a High Fiber diet helps reduce estrogen as well, and this other mentions food that can inhibit estrogen levels as well.

Estrogen Inhibiting Foods
If you are suffering from breast cancer, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and other situations that estrogen might exacerbate, the following estrogen inhibiting foods might be of interest to you.
Citrus Foods
Fruits (except apples, cherries, dates, pomegranates)
Green beans
White rice
White flour

Other then that I haven't found a website that really goes into detail about it, so you might have ot make another trip to the doctors office to get more info. Sorry I can't be any more help and thoughts and prayers for your mother and family.


search:foods with high estrogen
search:foods with estrogen
search:food to reduce estrogen levels
search:high levels of estrogen in food

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Thank you, Michael, that helps a lot. Yes, I am looking for foods that are high in estrogen to help my mother to stay away from them, if she'll cooperate. It probably will take the doctor confirming the need for these lists for her to listen. It hadn't occured to me to look into foods that reduce estrogen as well. Repeating some of your google searches led me to a site about how copper can keep estrogen levels high. Also new information to me. Magnesium, B6 and high fiber. Again, thanks Michael.

Edited by Vixen_Poetic (see edit history)

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Another possible solution is estrogen suppression :)That way, the enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogens is inhibited and their levels decrease. However, there are side-effects:1. Hirsutism, due to elevated concentration of androgens (which weren't converted to estrogens)... there may be medication to neutralize them and excrete them in the urine.2. Cardiovascular Risk. Normally, estrogens are cardioprotectors... this may be compensated with vasodilators and other medication.3. Bone Mineral Loss. Estrogen also maintains bone integrity... medication for this would also be required, of course...4. Other things...I don't really know what condition you mother is in, but in many cases, the ovaries are removed because they are the source of estrogens (big time!). The patient is then given medication to compensate for side-effects (menopause)Another thing... before changing your mother's diet, please check it with her doctor... I mean, the concentration of estrogen in the food she eats may not be that much, you know? And by changing her diet, you may be missing other important nutrients and such :)

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