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A Short Story yeah homie...

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yup. im going to make this book with all dah short stories and poems and stuff. noice noice!




The mint green trees swayed back and forth during twilight. 3 men were walking steadily up the hill. Their heads were pointed towards the ground, and they were breathing heavily from exhaustion. Just that moment, a young child and two women passed them, walking silently in the opposite direction down the hill. When the young boy looked back, the threee men were barely visible, as they continued their trek up the slope.

A light drizzle began. The oldest of the men stuffed his cracker in his shirt that he was eating. ?Put on your hats. It?s starting to rain,? he grumbled.

The shower?s intensity increased. It was now pouring down faster. ?Let us take a rest,? said the youngest of the three.

They all crawled silently into a small cave to their right. The whirring sound of the downpour calmed all of their minds and put them to sleep for the night.

When they awoke, the old man?s crackers had been stolen. ?My crackers!? he exclaimed.

?The only thing to fill our stomach,? said the middle aged man. ?We must hunt for food for now until we arrive at the Pass.?

?Good thinking. I will fetch a stick,? said the older man. With that, he stood up ad hobbled out of the cave.

?I will look for any antelope tracks, or perhaps gazelle. You stay here and guard the money, son,? said the middle aged man.

?Yes,? said the youngest man. He relaxed against the smooth cave interior. The rain had now died down almost completely. The rim of the cave opening still dripped with water.

Birds were chirping outside in the nearby forest. From the cave, the young man watched a little red and white striped bird hop from branch to branch, cocking it?s head every few seconds.

As he watched this, a strange thing occoured. He felt a sudden spark of fear and anxiety. His body let out shivers repeatedly. His eyes shot from side to side in an unknowing desperation to get away from something.

The bird ran in front of him let out a quirky yelp as it was pounced upon by a larger bird, this one with long talons and a black coat. The longer bird grabbed his victim and faced it away from the young man?s view.

Succeeding this instance, a few moments later, the young man experienced three hallucinations.

The first was of an old lady dressed with a robe holding a small orange clay sculpted head. IT WAS FRESH FROM THE KILM.

She welcomed an invisible guest to meet the young man. There was no one else there but she kept pointing to someone!

Without the young man noticing, she was replaced by a red demon head. This was the second hallucination.

His sharp interlocked teeth were revealed. The young man gasped and rolled over on his side. But the demon face was imprinted in his mind. He opened his eyes but didn?t sit up. He could feel the presence of something above him.

He waited for three hours, then turned his body slowly. The demon face was still there, but upon him looking at it, it vanished.

The final hallucination was of the head of a fisherman. He has a blank expression on his face. After staring dumbly into space for 10 minutes, the fisherman began to speak. The way he talked was just as bleak and monotonous as his expression. His beady eyes looked on past the young man as he spoke.

?DID YOU READ THE NEW BOOK. IT?S CALLED THE WORLD IN BRACE. DID YOU.? Something about the way he talked struck the young man?s mind deeply. He was terrified. ?RELAX AND LISTEN TO YOUR THOUGHTS. How was your day.?

?Speak of fishing! Speak of fishing! Talk about fish!? screamed the young man.


?Get away,? said the young man.


?I don?t understand what you?re talking about. Stop putting voices in my head, you *bottom*!? screamed the young man.

The fisherman?s beady eyes looked down at him. Then he was gone.

Now it was over. The young man was depressed. He tried in vain to make sense of his prior hallucinations. He knew they were fake, but they all scared him and puzzled him enough that he would be scarred for life.

The red and white striped bird was no more?he could see the black bird swallowing it?s legs now. Poor red and white bird.




Finally, his father and the old man returned, just as the rain began to pour again. They had caught an antelope! The two of them slowly placed the giant animal onto the ground of the cave. ?It?s a good thing we arrived before the rain picked up,? said the middle aged man.

?Yes,? said the youngest man. The young man plucked a piece of meat from the leg and began telling his story of the hallucination. ?First I saw an old lady, perhaps 65 years. She came up to me, and introduced me to something that wasn?t there.?

?Mmm Hmm,? his father sounded interested. But the old man said, ?I don?t care about things that happened in your mind. You?re just wasting your time expounding on your thoughts because you?re afraid and upsessed with them. You just want people to know about them so you?ll be at ease. The only way you?ll understand your hallucinations and stop being afraid of them is if you cease caring about them.?

?But I do care about them!? protested the young man.

?You do,? replied the old man.

?Shut up and let him talk,? said his father.

The old man rubbed his forehead and walked out of the cave.

?Hold on son- what are you doing?! It?s pouring rain! Get in the cave!? yelled the middle aged man.

?I?m going to take a walk.?

And so the old man walked. He walked past the forest, past the remains of the temple. He hobbled towards the small creek, only a foot wide. The rain had stopped, and the sun was just beginning to show through the clouds. There was a dresh smell all around.

The old man?s knees cracked as he bent down to stare at the little creek. The blades of grass swayed back and forth at the bottom.

?This is a small creek,? the old man though to himself.




In the morning they found the old man?s body. It looked as though he was sleeping.

?Help me lift him up,? said the father. The two brought the old man?s body to the waterfall and, after a prayer, threw him off.



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Hello,In the lord of the flies we read it for English class and we had to do a paper by who was guilty on the island. I picked Jack so here is my point of view and why I wrote this....Cruelty is an act or remark that causes pain or suffering. Roger is a boy who is cruel and likes it. Roger liked to tease the little ones because he liked to feel the power and authority that it brought him. He threw rocks at Henry who was an innocent boy and he did it for entertainment, which is not right. All in all this shows that Roger is a boy that isn?t right in the head and he loved doing things for entertainment even if it put others in danger. Roger liked to torture the littluns for enjoyment he also wanted authority because he loved being in charge with Jack. When Piggy died it was because Roger pushed the rock off the cliff killing Piggy and breaking the conch shell. Jack and Roger started the chanting and the excitement and the feast that lead to the killing of Simon. So Roger is guilty of two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder because Roger liked torturing the other kids, he liked being in charge with Jack, and he was the one who pushed the rock on Piggy. Roger is a bully and he loved torturing the littluns and the authority it brought him. ?Roger stooped, picked up a stone aimed, and threw it at Henry-threw it to miss? (Golding 56). This is the point I am trying to make he is a cruel individual and he needs to be disciplined for it. Roger can be a very dangerous human being when it comes to survival and he will do anything he wants. ?Roger found a lodgment for his point and began to push till he was leaning with his whole weight? (Golding 123). This is what he said when they were killing the pig and it shows that he is an aggressive person. Jack told the hunters that they were going to kill Ralph in the morning and in preparation Roger was excited and he was getting ready. ?Roger sharpened his stick at both ends? (Golding 173). They got up the next morning and hunted Ralph down even though they did not kill him they tried. This is why Roger should be charged with one count of attempted murder because he wanted to kill Ralph just like all the other hunters. Roger wanted power and authority with Jack. He loved being in the position and he was like Jack?s puppet he would do anything Jack did. These two boys like to do anything for entertainment. ?Then Jack grabbed Maurice and rubbed the stuff all over his cheeks? (Golding 123). Usually when the hunters catch a pig they always go into a crazy mode and chant or reenact the scene. One time when the caught a pig they came back and they wanted to reenact the scene and the hunters were saying nonsense. Jack said, ?Use a littlun, and everybody started laughing? (Golding 104). That is not funny when boys are acting like that because it puts them in danger. When Simon went up to the mountain and he seen the dead parachutist he realized that the group has mistaken him for the beast. Simon wanted to go tell the tribe what he has noticed. Meanwhile at the camp Jack has ordered them to do that dance. Jack said, ?Do our dance! Come on! Dance!? (Golding 138). This all lead to the killing of Simon Jack made them all wild up and they attacked Simon thinking he was the beast. So Roger did anything Jack would do. Even if people say he was his right hand man he still choose to contribute. Piggy?s death is all because of one person and one person alone, Roger. A log was jammed under a rock and Robert leaned on it forcing to rock to roll down the hill. ?A full effort would send the rock thundering down to the neck of land. Roger admired? (Golding 145). This was how Roger knew to put the stick under the rock to squash Piggy. When Ralph and Piggy came to Castle Rock to get Piggy?s glasses Ralph and Jack got into an argument. Piggy added some comments while they were arguing. ?Which is better-to be a pack of painted Indians like you are or to be sensible like Ralph is?? (Golding 164). While all this was happening Roger was on top of the cliff and he stuck a stick under a boulder and pushed down on the stick and sent the rock over the cliff killing Piggy. ?The storm of sounds beat at them, an incantation of hatred. High over head, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment leaned all his weight on the lever? (Golding 164). So all of this is why Roger should be charger with two counts of murder. One he did himself who was the death of Piggy and the other was Simon, which he contributed to the death of. Roger is a boy that is a cruel and a murder and almost everything that is evil in humans. Roger and Jack should be put to justice for the evil doing they have committed the killing of Simon and Piggy and attempting to kill Ralph. Roger tortured the littluns wrecking the sand castles, which hurt their feelings when the elder is suppose to be setting the example. He also threw rocks at Henry even though he threw miss it is cruel and shouldn?t have happened. The worst thing Roger did was making the rock crush Piggy and he should be punished for doing this and he is guilty. This is why Roger is not innocent and that he is guilty. He choose to contribute with Jack and the hunters, he killed Piggy by rolling the rock on him, and he liked torturing the other kids.

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