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Get Parallels To Use Existing Windows Xp Installation

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Hi all, I am running a Mac and I have a Windows XP home edition already installed on another partition via boot camp. Then I ran into Parallels and began installing it. However, instead of using the existing installation via boot camp, it is asking me to provide a cd key to activate XP. I couldn't possibly provide a cd key as I already used it to activate. How can I get Parallels to use the existing installation without asking me to provide another cd key?I gave up and thought of uninstalling Parallels but I couldn't do it on the Windows side as I was required to uninstall the application via running Parallels which was literally impossible since I could not even get to the desktop screen.Would appreciate it if any mac user who had solved this issue replies.

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Well I haven't had very much experience with parallels, but what I've heard from some of my co-workers (I work at the apple store) that it stores its drive data in its own format, sort of like virtual PC works, except instead of emulating the operating system like VPC does, it runs natively because of the intel chip. So because of this I doubt there is any way of using parallels from a pre-installed partition of the OS (I MAY BE WRONG!)... Perhaps instead of trying to do this you should be trying to "deactivate" your windows xp copy that you are using on bootcamp. I'm not sure if this is possible. I am not that familiar with windows activation and how it works. Is it possible to deactivate on one machine so you can install it on another machine? If so, that would be what you had to do unless you wanted to buy another copy of windows xp.

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I have been hearing by many that I am able to use an existing partition which in this case is via bootcamp, but I do not know where I can find this option to select in the preference. I read on some forums that I can use the same serial after 4 months since Microsoft will remove the registered information from their database. My Windows XP partition is not pre-installed with the OS, I just basically used my Windows XP retail version to install it.

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Boot Camp/Parallels activaton

Get Parallels To Use Existing Windows Xp Installation


Late reply - just use the telephone activation option, the only question they will ask is if Windows is installed on only one computer to which you can truthfully reply "yes". If further questioned just say you crashed and had to reinstall. I've reactivated many times both on the Parallels and the Boot Camp sides without problem.

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Installed Parallels through Windows? Get Parallels To Use Existing Windows Xp Installation

Why would you install it through Windows instead of the Mac OS? To take advantage of the software, I would think you would install it via your Mac OS, then run the Virtual Machine through your Mac OS.Maybe I am misunderstanding something here, but if you have Parallels loaded on your Bootcamp version of Windows, it is only available when you boot to Windows. At which point it makes no sense to run Parallels to launch XP, because you are already booted into XP.

Parallels should be loaded through through the Mac...-reply by Chris

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will windows xp upgrade disk work on parallels 5?Get Parallels To Use Existing Windows Xp Installation

I have a Windows XP upgrade disk, not a recovery disk I bought from the store when I built my last computer. Any reason why I can't use this to install Windows XP in Parallels? I also have a full Windows 98 disk for when the install asks for the previous Windows disk. 

-question by Jim Wilson

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