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Winter Attire For Subzero Conditions

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I'm going to a country with subzero winter conditions (around high subzero, that means higher than -10) in december. I've never experienced such cold conditions, so I need advice about the type of winter wear I need. Thanks!(Hope I posted this in the right forum)

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Minus 10 C? That-s a nice spring day around here... :PThe secret is 'layers'. Many small layers will work better than 1 big one. When I work outside in the winter time, I wear an under -layer of wool, a long-sleeve T-shirt, an short sleeve T-shirt and a regular shirt on top of that, with a sweater covering all of those. Followed by an appropriate Jacket. I have several that are good at different temperatures. Sometimes a 'hoodie' is required under the jacket as well, with insulated coveralls. The outer layer should be wind-proof, water-proof and breathable. Many ski-jacket fit the bill for this outer layer.Of course, it really depends on what you are going to be doing outside, too. If you are active, hiking, skiing, etc, it will take fewer layers and breathing outer layer becomes critical. Long-johns, good wool socks, and very good (expensive) boots are also critical. Again, it really depends on what you are going to be doing. Of course, gloves and a tocque (ski hat) are required at all times, too.

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Haha I come from a tropical country :PThanks for the information! Wow that sounds like a lot of things! Looks like I'll have to spend a lot of money.I'm not going to be doing a lot of adventurous things, cos' alas, I'm actually going there for a study program, not for a holiday.What are knee-length wool/cashmere winter coats for? I've seen them in shops selling winter clothes and the sales people just tell me they are for subzero conditions but they don't seem to really know if it has to be worn with other things. :P

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I don't think I have ever seen those knee-high sweaters around here. I live in a place the gets down to about minus 30 C for a couple of weeks. I can't imagine those doing much good here.They might be okay where you are going, though.Regardless, a good hat and gloves will be suggested, with a good sweater and a pair of decent boots should be enough for minus 10. Leave your swim trunks at home. :P

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