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So Much Crap!

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Man, so much crap has happened this week already, and it's only Tuesday. Three words can sum it all up. Crime, sex, death. Today I found out that my Algebra teacher's grandmother was beat to death in her own home. The person that did it, she met at church! It is insane. So, my teacher is out because of this horrific event. Next, I found out that one of my friend's from elementary school died last night. That is absolutely terrible. I am glad though, he did not die from murder though. That was a huge relief off my chest. I also found out that two people got caught in the boy's bathroom at my school having sex! That is just nasty and unclean. I am going to try and not go to that bathroom anymore. My school is in lock down right now because somebody assaulted a police officer and took his gun, and it was really close to my school. Why are people like that?

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...because they are insane and do not now how to control them self. I am really sorry for you! It must be horrible for you, but we all have our ups an downs. About five months ago, my neighbour took suicide and another one died of cancer. We are a really small community, so it shows really good. I do not now what to say that can help with this... It will just suck. And then it will suck less. But it is really horrible what you are saying, and yes it sucks. I do not know why people are like that, but there are always reasons. And that about the grandmother that was beaten do death by someone she met in church?! Oh my God! How horrible. The thing about that your school is on lock down... I would think that was good actually, but that is probably just because I am lazy.I do not know what to say to you. Take one day at the time.

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Why are people like that?

I'll attempt to sum up their general personality:
1. It's all about me
2. I'm all that
3. Enjoy life while you can
4. If it's not entertaining me, it's not worth my time

Throw in consumerism and media into that equation, and presto! You got yourself a nice example of a lot of the youth I have to deal with. Being one myself irritates the hell out of me since most adults generally assume we're retards when some of us aren't.
Edited by dre (see edit history)

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Well... as it is quite fitting to the theme of "Trapped in *BLEEP*"... *BLEEP* happens... :PLast year, at my highschool two students were caught performing sexual acts in on of the washrooms. Honestly... it was fairly funny, as their punishment was to show up at school the next day... haha.... I'm sorry to hear about your teachers grandmother. Its a shame... how people can just take a life like that. I'm also sorry to hear that your friend died.I'm happy to hear that no one was hurt or injured, during the lockdown which could have possibly resulted in something worse....As to why people do these kind of things, I guess its what everyone bluebear and dre said before... but its also a something else... the natural evil in peoples hearts (which I won't go into)....Again, I'm so sorry to hear about all the tragedies happening in your area... you can be assured I will pray for you, your friends family, your teachers family, and anyone else who is affected by this incident.

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Natural evil in ones heart, Yeah i can relate to that and I think it all exist in everyone. you ever think about doing bad things like knocking that other guy out when hes being such an idiot? I get urges all the time in my head to do messed up things but I don't act on them most of the time. I guess what it comes down to is self control and common sense. Its bad to think about committing bad and horrific crimes but I don't know why I just have them. I can watch a lot of violent things and it wouldn't bother me. In fact some I must admit I find entertaining. Of course I'm older now and common sense and self control keeps me from doing those stupid ideas I get in my head. Oh lets go beat that guy up.. wait I can go to jail for that no way I'm going to jail and getting a record for doing something stupid. I wouldn't consider myself a violent person or even a lover of violence as it says in the bible but I do have thought of them I just don't act on them. For one thing fighting I consider a skill and one must train in order to be good at it. I do admire strong fighters does that make me a bad person? maybe in some eyes, I don't know if I can ever rid my thoughts of violence and inappropriate thinking. What ever it is I think its just human nature and theres no way to get rid of it.

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