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Spring Can't Be Here Soon Enough To Suit Me!

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First of Febuary, I am so glad January is over. Not much longer now. I hate winter. Amazingly enough when my better half got home from running some errands today, he said he saw the Amish farmers out in their fields with the horses plowing TODAY! We still have snow on the ground here. Guess they want to get that good nitrogen into the ground from the snow. The seed catalogs are starting to show up in my mailbox, and we are allready thinking about what we should plant in the garden this year.

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Another month has passed and I've really got the fever!It was in the 60's (F) here today and should be close to 70 tomorrow! Time to get the tiller and the mower out and service them and start thinking about starting some seeds inside to transplant out. Man, I can't wait!

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I have to agree I hate the snow now just because there is to much of it here at the house, I practically snow blowed at least 1000 pounds worth, and most of that was water when it combo on us last month. Some of snow piles are big enough to bury me standing up and no one would find me until it all melted <_<. I was happy when we got snow but this snow needs to be on the mountains and not covering the whole house :(.

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I can't believe our incredible luck! They were predicting a huge snow fall in our area, with the city of Springfield expected to get 2 to 4 inches, but our area 50 miles South east was supposed to get 8 to 12!!! I was horrified! I've had ENOUGH!!! Low and behold, when I got up that morning, all we had was a very tiny dusting of snow. Not enough to tell we had even had snow, you could only see what didn't look like much more than a heavy frost in some small shadded areas. As it turned out, we were in a small pocket in the middle of what was supposed to be the heavyest area of snowfall that didn't get any! Boy was I happy about that! Now, if it would just warm up!!! I'm tired of stoking the fire, cutting wood, and all that jazz.

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This time of year is crazy here in the carolina's. It gets down to 25 degrees at night and then it's 65 degrees the next day! My mother used to say that was the best time of the year to catch cold because of the temperature extremes!Anyhow, I opened the lid on my worm bin today to let it warm up a bit after a brutally cold night and noticed that I have small plants germinating inside! Maybe I found a good place to start my vegetables for the spring garden!I realize there are people here from all over the world, different climates and such,but is anyone else starting their garden yet?I noticed my garlic bulbs are starting to shoot up out of the ground so spring can't be far behind!Steve

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There are faint signs of life all over here now. And I expect as the forcast for the next several days is for pretty decent weather, soon spring will be bursting out all over. Right now there is the faintest cast of green over the fields and roadways. I have a clump of jonquils in one of my flower beds, and they are up now, along with the Naked Lillies around the 2 purple leaf sand cherry bushes in the front yard. So far though, I don't see any swelling in the tree buds. I suppose that is probably a good thing, considering the disaster we had last year with the late freeze killing them. I sure hope that doesn't happen again! That thing your mohter used to tell you is absolutley true. You are far more likely to get sick from the great fluctuations of tempratures than you are if it is just cold and stays that way. Not only in people, I see this in the dogs too. I have long considered the building of a worm bin. Sure would be handy if I ever had a chance to go fishing. (yea, right, like that's going to happen!) Did you build yours or what did you make it out of? I thought about just using an old refrigerator or freezer to make one.

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W00t for Spring! Seriously, I hate this freaking snow....hell my Christmas decorations are frozen in ice, so I can't take them down. And I really hate shoveling snow. It could take me an hour to shovel my driveway by myself, depending on how much snow we get. I hate cold weather....I can't wait for spring to come.....summer is going to be hell though...knowing my luck, it will be at least.

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72 degree here today, actually worked in the yard some today!sheepdog, the worm bin is made from a single sheet of 5/8 plywood and an 8 foot 2x4. The top and bottom are 2ft x 4ft and the 2x4 goes in the corners to brace it.I got the plans off the net and I'll be happy to look them up if you're interested. I had all the stuff already so it was basically free for me.

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As is the case with most everything in my life, I am a contrarian who usually thinks, feels (and even looks) different than the masses at any given time, and this case is no exception. While I appreciate spring and all the blessings it bestows, I much prefer the cooler months of fall and winter, fall being my favorite. Sometimes I wonder if a personal preference for a certain time of year isn't somehow related to when one is born. I can't help but notice, for example, that those born in spring often prefer that time of year. Me - I'll take a winter snow storm over the fickle days of spring any time. It vexes me when nature can't make up her mind. But nature being as it is, we are now looking at the bipolar month of March, which can't seem to make up it's mind whether it wants to be winter or spring. Make up your mind, damn you! It's no wonder people fall ill this time of year. What I hate the most is the melting of the snow and the muddy, damp conditions that follow. This weekend, it wants to be winter, and a couple inches of snow are forecast for the mountains and valleys of this beautiful corner of the Rocky Mountains I call home. That will add yet more snow to the stubborn berm on the northeast corner of the house that doesn't seem to want to melt. As I write there is a strong breeze on the air, precipitating this weekend's coming storm. Lucky for me the liquor cabinet is stocked with single-malt Scotch, the fridge is brimming with ale, and the freezer contains my favorite Italian pizza - more than enough to sustain me through this storm and fuel some cozy fireside reading, or with any luck, a good boxing match on HBO.I've been feeding the precious mountain chickadees sunflower seeds all winter, and unlike last year, it appears they'll be sticking around for planting season as well. That suits me just fine, as this species of bird is one of the best for keeping insect pest populations at a minimum. Never mind the fact their birdsong is music to my ears. Robins have already showed up, probably a month earlier than last year. This strikes me as odd given the relatively extreme winter we had. Now if I can just prevent my cats from trying to kill them at every turn. In the basement, I've got a couple broccoli and cabbage starts going, as they will be the first to make their way to the garden this year. If the garden were bigger, I'd be starting more than just a few, as I can freeze the broccoli for winter use. Perched on their electric blanket under a fluorescent light, the seeds sprouted in just a few days and anxiously await their day in the sun. I, on the other hand, am relishing all that remains of winter.

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