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The Jester

Hello From Sydney!,aus

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Hello from down underso whats every one up to in this fine forum.. IPB i see :osoo uhh here goes...my name is michael but the jester is fine.. i live in sydney, aus.. yep iam aussie :Dnot much todo here atm ... it keeps changing from HOT! to flooding and back to HOT!i uhh enjoy games and iam learning php for a RPG that iam hoping to host on Xisto in due timebut other that this.... my life is very plain

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Hello, The Jester, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :D


Remember to read the boardrules. Boardrules, click!


The only other Michael I know about here on this forum, is a weird little, mad and funny boy. Hehe. :o

Hot --> Flooding --> Hot? We have snow --> rain --> snow. :D


Best wishes for a great time on our forum!

Edited by Bluebear (see edit history)

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Hello Jester, how are you doing?You want to make a Browser Based game, huh? Good luck, I'm sure it will be as much fun to make as it will be to play! However, you'll need more than just PHP! To make a good Browser Based game (without flash, flash is expensive :D ) it would be a good idea for you to learn PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Luckily for you, all of these are supported on Xisto's hosting! :D Now, the best way I would recommend to you to start learning these technologies would be to head on over to http://www.w3schools.com/
Over there they have plenty of tutorials and examples to help you get started. Eventually, however, you'll reach a point where the best way to get better will be to practice, practice, practice!Once you've gotten started, head over to the Game Development Lab section of the forums, looking forward to seeing you there! :o

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Hello Michale, Welcome to Xisto,As told by Blue bear read the forum rules to get a quick hosting. But you should be active in forum, only one posts till now will not help you. You should write more quality posts, its not quantity but quality which fetches you credits. So be active and be hosted in this wonderful free host.

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Hello Michael aka: The Jester Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA.


If you are here for the hosting, it is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 and you will need to know all this to function well here at the forum.


See you around the boards.

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